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Conscious Leadership Conscious Leadership Transforming from ME TO WE : The Power of Cooperative Advantage.

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Presentation on theme: "Conscious Leadership Conscious Leadership Transforming from ME TO WE : The Power of Cooperative Advantage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conscious Leadership Conscious Leadership Transforming from ME TO WE : The Power of Cooperative Advantage

2 1R1R The gift of special needs children Sickness hits twice – the benefit of being ill My wake-up calls My best friend went back home My husband loses his sight From employee to entrepreneur Lessons on trust, attachments and self- worth A little about my journey…

3 TRANSFORMATION in CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP Transcending from your thoughts that CONTROL YOU in such a way that it flow back in a TRANSFORMED WAY so that YOU MASTER your thoughts by RESPONDING with wisdom (SQ)

4 Giving birth to new beginnings & change The calling to become World Mothers To be a trustee of what has been entrusted to us To empower ourselves & others To awaken UBUNTU in business and society To build a nation as WE & not as individual ME ’ s To lead with the spirit of Abundance, Love & Wisdom To do what needs to be done with courage & resilience To bring healing & transformation to society To be fearlessly authentic through conscious leadership To show that Empowerment of a Nation starts with Self - Empowerment of the individual Transformation = “Power of Truth & Integrity” = WE reconnect with our own hearts & the hearts of the people of South Africa = COOPERATIVE ADVANTAGE The Gift of being a WOMAN

5 The world NOW vs. the FUTURE

6 Conscious Leadership Conscious leadersUnconscious leaders Joy comes from inside (fertilizer & spring water)Constantly seek happiness BE more & DO less (focused energy)DO more & BE less (unfocused energy) RESPOND to challenges through bifocal lensesREACT to challenges through emotions from ego - Goals align with life purpose - Happiness is not a goal = Happiness is the way to the goal of inner joy Goal setting – achieve – “I am happy” – start new goal – cycle repeat = conditional happiness The question IS NOT what I need to do to be happy? The question = WHY am I not happy? WHAT are the bars in my life preventing me from being happy? - Observe the pains - Is this my business? - Understand the power of MIRRORS/PROJECTION - If you want to do something about it, get out of your arm chair and do something about it – don’t waste your energy on wasteful thinking Question – Why is it that happiness is so important in all we do but we are so frequently unhappy? 1.Our outside reality is constantly changing & we are not in control of life 2.We think our happiness must come from outside & not from within 3.Confuse joy with happiness 4.Overachievers to feel worthy of success / abundance / recognition / self-worth (story time)

7 Conscious Leadership (cont.) Conscious leadersUnconscious leaders Self-awareness & ability to face the truthRationalization & denial of truth - Learning from & empowering others - Student of Life Knows best / judge others / controlling / defensive Positive use of adversity (learn & grow from mistakes with commitment & courage) Resist the flow of life (don’t move on) Live a purposeful life (CALLING) - align their energy to life purpose - vision & value led - resilience & fearless (do what needs to be done) Live to live…. - some aspects of their life are aligned - on some level there is residue of the ME - fluctuating commitment, fearful Live from an integrated being of wisdom (SQ) - Its is about KNOWING - I AM love - I am enough - I give to give (no attachments - integration) - I AM a DIFFERENCE MAKER - Courage to face fears & let go of baggage - Self-leadership / self-respect / self-love - Selfless service - Celebration of Diversity - Compassion, Authentic, Humble, Vulnerable Think & Feel (IQ & EQ) - It is about KNOWLEDGE / thinking & feeling you know… - Fear (I do not have enough) - Fear (I am not good enough) - Lack of self-worth - Conditional giving - Aspire to be a DIFFERENCE MAKER - Secondary gain to hang on to pains - Aspire to become a leader / want respect from others / want to be loved to give love - Resist change

8 What are your gifts? What is your job? Is your job = calling? Are you a conscious leader? If not, what are you willing to do about it? MAD Generation

9 1.Introspection 2.Discernment 3.Decision- making 4.Courage 5.Letting go 6.Tolerance 7.Adjustment 8.Co-operation 8 Powers of Conscious Leadership

10 POWERSWhat / Why / Guidelines 1.Introspection Stepping inside & meet the self Sense of direction Neutral position Questions to ask 1.What are my dreams? 2.What are my Source’s dreams for me? 3.What is life calling me to do? 2. Discernment Reflective state of introspection Allow us to see us & world as we really are – no judgement Seeing from bifocal lenses Thought mastery (IQ) & mature EQ Humility is driving inner power Openness / Self-respect / Self-love / Vulnerability / Authenticity Warning: Fixer & Judge Support! Support! 3. Decision- making Discernment with NO decision & NO action = theories & opinions Roots = FAITH in self & Source Spread your wings & fly Fearless / Adventurous / Determined Flexible / Committed / Transparent No failure = Fall forward Plants seeds = Patience = Fruits 4. Courage Discernment leads to accurate decision-making Determination to put decisions into actions comes from courage & resilience to achieve goals (no matter what) Determination, patience, passion sustain courage Past = forgiven & let go THINK before you THINK mastery Authenticity & Pure Intentions Honesty & Truth Notes: Carpet Metaphor & EPP

11 8 Powers of Conscious Leadership POWERSWhat / Why / Guidelines 5. Letting go Letting go = essence of Truth & Freedom Creator of inner peace of mind Takes courage & determination to let go of justified anger & hurt & blame & wasteful thoughts Full STOP to past Remember who you are No attachments to thoughts Returning to Source Living a purposeful life Getting it right 6. Tolerance Positive energy coming from knowing life purpose / being content / fulfilled by it Tolerance = Accepting & Respecting difference Giving up expectations – Flow with life No control or force – Embrace power of AND Driver = Love / Not fear Understand broken personalities but goodness of soul 7. Adjustment Tolerance brings flexibility Flexibility leads to acceptance / adjustment to unexpected Let go of past wounds / dislikes / prejudices START = firm ROOTS like a tree 8. Co-operation Example: left & right brain Cause for lack = attachment to SELF WHAT = interplay of Tolerance, accommodation, flexibility, respect & appreciation of differences / uniqueness Examples: Hands / Orchestra START with inner co-operation between thoughts, feelings & attitudes Trust AND Surrender AND Faith (examples = doubt & bucket)

12 Where to start - JUST START where you are just as you are! Decisions & Choices!! Practice awareness of your thoughts Observe, Observe, Observe! Start with REFLECTIVE PRACTICES – prayer, meditation & reflective journaling Keep your connection line open to Source Trust your inner voice Don’t be afraid to fall – get up when it happens and start again Spread your wings and fly! Don’t be driven by your FEARS – be driven by your PASSION / CALLING Just BE YOU!! Get a MENTOR or COACH for guidance and support

13 With love and blessings, The Difference Makers team

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