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Balanced Literacy Presented by The Weyanoke Literacy PLC Team September 29, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Balanced Literacy Presented by The Weyanoke Literacy PLC Team September 29, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balanced Literacy Presented by The Weyanoke Literacy PLC Team September 29, 2008

2 Agenda What is BALANCED LITERACY as it pertains to reading and why is it important?What is BALANCED LITERACY as it pertains to reading and why is it important? The Reading Components of Balanced Literacy: 1) Read Aloud (the most support)The Reading Components of Balanced Literacy: 1) Read Aloud (the most support) 2) Shared Reading 3) Guided Reading 4) Independent Reading (the least support) Final Words & QuestionsFinal Words & Questions

3 Balanced Literacy The Comprehensive Balanced Literacy Framework is built upon the concept of: Reading to Children, Reading with Children, and Reading by ChildrenReading to Children, Reading with Children, and Reading by Children Writing to Children, Writing with Children, and Writing by ChildrenWriting to Children, Writing with Children, and Writing by Children The framework includes four aspects of reading and writing built upon four levels of support (Gradual Release of Responsibility Model).


5 Read Aloud Students get the most support Reading to the Students

6 Read Aloud "Reading aloud is a commercial for reading....Think of it this way: McDonald's doesn't stop advertising just because the vast majority of Americans know about its restaurants. Each year it spends more money on ads to remind people how good its products taste. Don't cut your reading advertising budget as children grow older." States author Jim Trelease in his book The Read Aloud Handbook. “Since children listen on a higher level than they read, listening to other readers stimulates growth and understanding of vocabulary and language patterns.”"Reading aloud is a commercial for reading....Think of it this way: McDonald's doesn't stop advertising just because the vast majority of Americans know about its restaurants. Each year it spends more money on ads to remind people how good its products taste. Don't cut your reading advertising budget as children grow older." States author Jim Trelease in his book The Read Aloud Handbook. “Since children listen on a higher level than they read, listening to other readers stimulates growth and understanding of vocabulary and language patterns.”

7 Reading Aloud… Familiarizes them with book language and story structure Teaches an appreciation of literature. Provides a model of fluent, oral reading Expands children’s knowledge of various genre and motivates them to read on their own. Expands and enriches children’s vocabularies and background knowledge Stimulates discussion Improves oral language Models good reading behavior for students

8 Read Aloud Step-by-Step Choose a book to read aloud for a specific purposeChoose a book to read aloud for a specific purpose Gather the class in an inviting spot.Gather the class in an inviting spot. Before: activate schema, make predictions, summarize the plot (but don’t give it away)Before: activate schema, make predictions, summarize the plot (but don’t give it away) During: encourage discussion and ask thoughtful questionsDuring: encourage discussion and ask thoughtful questions After: make the book available to the children during free time.After: make the book available to the children during free time.

9 Read Aloud Consider Poetry Good for fluencyGood for fluency K-1 – a lot of rhyme, short, chant-likeK-1 – a lot of rhyme, short, chant-like Majority of poetry is free verseMajority of poetry is free verse Have a special “poetry” pointer/stickHave a special “poetry” pointer/stick Try 1 per week:Try 1 per week: Monday – Shared Tuesday – Choral Tuesday – Choral Wednesday – Individual copy with a buddy Wednesday – Individual copy with a buddy Thursday – Divide class and read in parts (or buddies) Thursday – Divide class and read in parts (or buddies) Friday – Poetry performance and put in poetry anthology Friday – Poetry performance and put in poetry anthology

10 Shared Reading Reading with the Students

11 Shared Reading Read each statement carefully and indicate whether you agree or disagree. 3 minutes

12 Shared Reading Reading with children.Reading with children. Reading and rereading of enlarged texts (big books, charts, or lifted text on an overhead)Reading and rereading of enlarged texts (big books, charts, or lifted text on an overhead) During shared reading, the teacher is able to point out text features, teach word analysis, model reading comprehension strategies, and encourage students to extend their thinkingDuring shared reading, the teacher is able to point out text features, teach word analysis, model reading comprehension strategies, and encourage students to extend their thinking Allows all students to read texts beyond their current individual reading level.Allows all students to read texts beyond their current individual reading level. Supports fluency for all reading levels.Supports fluency for all reading levels. For older students the emphasis is on supporting comprehension.For older students the emphasis is on supporting comprehension.

13 Shared Reading Step-by-Step Day 1 Gather so that everyone can seeGather so that everyone can see Introduce the text (title, cover, predictions)Introduce the text (title, cover, predictions) Read aloud using a pointerRead aloud using a pointer Reread the text and have the children join inReread the text and have the children join in Discuss the textDiscuss the text Day 2 Pick an instructional focus for the text Using a pointer, reread the text, stopping as necessary to model strategies (Optional) Make the text available to students

14 At your table, please work in groups of two or three and each group will have one baggy and one purple sheetAt your table, please work in groups of two or three and each group will have one baggy and one purple sheet Please sort the statements according to the titlesPlease sort the statements according to the titles 3 minutes

15 Guided Reading Reading with the students

16 Guided Reading is …….. … a teaching approach designed to help individual students learn how to process a variety of increasingly challenging texts with understanding and fluency. … a teaching approach designed to help individual students learn how to process a variety of increasingly challenging texts with understanding and fluency. Guiding Readers and Writes Grades 3-6(Fountas and Pinnell)

17 Why Guided Reading is Important? It gives children the opportunity to develop reading strategies so they can read increasingly difficult texts independently.It gives children the opportunity to develop reading strategies so they can read increasingly difficult texts independently. It gives teachers the opportunity to observe individuals as they process new text.It gives teachers the opportunity to observe individuals as they process new text. It gives children the opportunity to develop as individual readers in a socially supportive activityIt gives children the opportunity to develop as individual readers in a socially supportive activity Guided Reading – Good First Teaching for All Children (Fountas & Pinnell)

18 Components of Guided Reading Small – group instructionSmall – group instruction Students are grouped according to needStudents are grouped according to need 15-20 minutes in duration15-20 minutes in duration The teacher selects the textThe teacher selects the text The lesson has a specific focusThe lesson has a specific focus The text is introducedThe text is introduced Each child reads the text independently in the groupEach child reads the text independently in the group Teacher/student discussion follows the readingTeacher/student discussion follows the reading Relevant activities may follow the lessonRelevant activities may follow the lesson Learning Media 2000

19 What You Do in Guided Reading What You Do in Guided Reading The teacher selects and introduces a new text.The teacher selects and introduces a new text. The students are provided with individual copies of text.The students are provided with individual copies of text. The student reads the whole text to themselves.The student reads the whole text to themselves. The teacher supports the use of reading strategies.The teacher supports the use of reading strategies. The student problem-solves new text in a way that is mostly independent.The student problem-solves new text in a way that is mostly independent. The lesson may include optional components; extending meaning and word work.The lesson may include optional components; extending meaning and word work. Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children (Fountas and Pinnell) & Systems for Change in Literacy Education **

20 Guided Reading Challenges….. At your table, please write down one challenge you have experienced with guided reading. You do not need to include your name. Please place the sticky notes on the parking lot.At your table, please write down one challenge you have experienced with guided reading. You do not need to include your name. Please place the sticky notes on the parking lot. 3 minutes

21 Independent Reading Reading by the students

22 … it is true that reading practice—just reading—is a powerful contributor to the development of accurate, fluent, high- comprehension reading. In fact, if I were required to select a single aspect of the instructional environment to change, my first choice would be creating a schedule that supported dramatically increased quantities of reading during the school day. -Richard Allington, What Really Matters for Struggling Readers Independent Reading… Please consider the following….

23 Independent Reading is…… A quiet time when students independently read materials of their choice while being encouraged to utilize learned reading/comprehension strategies that will help them become stronger readers.A quiet time when students independently read materials of their choice while being encouraged to utilize learned reading/comprehension strategies that will help them become stronger readers. The most independent activity students undertake during the language arts block.The most independent activity students undertake during the language arts block.

24 Independent Reading… Basic Ideas and Guidelines: Ample time should be allotted for Independent Reading—start with 10 min per day and increase to 20 or 30 min.Ample time should be allotted for Independent Reading—start with 10 min per day and increase to 20 or 30 min. Students should choose books to read (teacher can assist, if necessary) and document their own reading through reading logs.Students should choose books to read (teacher can assist, if necessary) and document their own reading through reading logs. Students should have easy access to a wide variety of books (i.e. an extensive, well-organized, classroom library)Students should have easy access to a wide variety of books (i.e. an extensive, well-organized, classroom library)

25 Independent Reading… Basic Ideas and Guidelines (con’t): Students should be reading “just right” books—mainly instructional~ independent. (90% accuracy and above)Students should be reading “just right” books—mainly instructional~ independent. (90% accuracy and above) Teacher and student should set reading goals and use this time for individual reading conferences.Teacher and student should set reading goals and use this time for individual reading conferences. All teaching occurs during individual conferences.All teaching occurs during individual conferences.

26 Final Words & Questions Parking Lot for questionsParking Lot for questions Resources at the back tableResources at the back table

27 Resources Guiding Readers and Writes Grades 3-6(Fountas and Pinnell) Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children (Fountas and Pinnell) Systems for Change in Literacy Education Reading Essentials: The Specifics You Need to Teach Reading Well (Regie Routman) What Really Matters for Struggling Readers (Richard Allington)

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