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Classification of Living Things Diversity of Life By: Mr. Lowe.

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2 Classification of Living Things Diversity of Life By: Mr. Lowe

3 What is classification? ClassificationClassification : The grouping of things according to shared characteristics or traits. TaxonomyTaxonomy: The science of classifying organisms.

4 Early classification systems Aristotle The Greek Scientist Aristotle first classified living organisms as either plant or animal. John RayJohn Ray was the first to use the term “species”

5 Binomial Nomenclature Carolus LinnaeusDeveloped by Carolus Linnaeus Two-name system Genus speciesEach organism has a Genus and a species name First name (genus); second name (species)

6 Linnaeus Classification Example 1. Round, separated petals2. Large, broad petals 3. Bunched, pointed petals

7 What is a scientific name? Combination of the Genus and species name of an organism Scientific names of organisms are always italicized or underlined The first letter of the Genus is always capitalized. Example: Panthera tigris

8 Questions What is classification? Why is classifying living things important? What is taxonomy? Describe binomial nomenclature.

9 Questions Who developed a system for naming living organisms? For what is John Ray known? What is a scientific name of an organism and how is it written?

10 Seven classification groups of living things Kingdom- Largest category Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species - Smallest Category

11 Leopard Classification

12 Mnemonic to help remember the Classification Groups! King Poopoo Came Over For Great Spaghetti

13 Questions What are the seven classification groups?

14 Scientific Naming Why is it important? –avoid confusion when discussing information with other scientists some animals have different names in different parts of the world –allows for easy organization What type of animal is this? In Florida = Florida Panther Eastern US = Mountain Lion Western US = Cougar South America = Puma Scientific Name = Puma concolor

15 Dichotomous Key What is it? –a tool used to identify an organism if you don’t know exactly what it is –each type of organism has its own specific key so you can tell the differences between similar organisms

16 Dichotomous Key How do they work? –made up of a detailed list of questions about identifying characteristics –each question has 2 possible answers –the questions gradually narrow down the list of possible organisms –eventually leads to an organism’s scientific name

17 1AObject has only straight lines, go to 2 1BObject has curved line, go to 4 2AColor is blue-- Azul calamus 2BColor is not blue, go to 3 3AObject has four equal sides--Quadratis rufus 3BOpposite sides of object are equal-- Rectangulo crudus 4AObject has one continuous curving line, go to 5 4BObject has curved and straight lines--Azul undo 5AObject is red--Ovalado rufus 5BObject is green--Orbis crudus

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