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INTRODUCTION OF DIVERSITY  Minimizing workplace diversity conflict  Develop strategies to specifically deal with issues of this nature  Developing.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION OF DIVERSITY  Minimizing workplace diversity conflict  Develop strategies to specifically deal with issues of this nature  Developing."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION OF DIVERSITY  Minimizing workplace diversity conflict  Develop strategies to specifically deal with issues of this nature  Developing an effective mentoring program  Benefits to a diverse  Leadership and diversity  Widen your choice of employees to improve compentitiveness

3 DEFINITION OF DIVERSITY  Gender  Age  Language  Cultural background  Disability  Personal profile  Sexual orientation  Religious belief  Educational level  Job function  Geographic location  Marital status

4 Importance of workplace Diversity  Recognising & respecting the value of human differences  Creating an environment where all the abilities and experiences of our employees—diverse as they are— can be used to their fullest.  Diversity recruitment improves workplace staffing and retention rates are higher

5 Objective of work place Diversity  Improve people difference & achieve our goal  Enhancing opportunities for employee to participate to workplace  Prevent & eliminate harassment & unlawful discrimination in work place  Promote awareness of value of diversity in workplace

6 what is sexual harassment?  Unwanted sexual advances  Requests for sexual favours, and  Verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment  Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behavior which makes a person feel offended or humiliated and that reaction could reasonably have been expected in the circumstances.

7 Unacceptable behaviour  Physical contact-- touching, pinching, patting, kissing  Verbal sexual advances or propositions  Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, including graphic comments about an individual's body,  Interfering with or blocking movement  Repeated face-to-face, telephone or email invitations after being refused  Sexual or suggestive comments, jokes or taunts

8 What to do?  Notify  Refuse  Write  Record  Document  Inform  Investigate  Report  Complain

9 Current work place laws  The Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984  The Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995

10 Company work place policies  Anti-harassment policy  “No" to requests for sexual favours and refuse sexual advances.  “Zero tolerance" workplace.  Sexual harassment is an unacceptable form of behavior and it will not be tolerated Sexual harassment is an unacceptable form of behavior and it will not be tolerated

11 Exercise: what have we learned?  What is sexual harassment?  Federal law prohibits sexual harassment based on sexual orientation.?(T/F)  Sexual harassment in the workplace is a "women's issue.“ ? (T/F)  The workplace environment is an important consideration in sexual harassment cases. ? (T/F)  People who sexually harass others are usually motivated by attraction and desire ? (T/F).  Companies with strong anti-harassment policies are protected against sexual harassment suits. ? (T/F).  Sexual misconduct is always a critical element in successful sexual harassment suits. ? (T/F)


13 Training programme for workplace diversity  0:00-0:15 Introduction and Session Overview  0:15-0:25 Defining work place Diversity  0:25-0:35 Impact of workplace Diversity  0:35-0:50 Objective of work place Diversity  0:50-1:00 what is sexual harassment ?  1:00-1:10 Unacceptable behaviour  1:10-1:25 What to do? 1:25-1:40 Break  1:40-1:55 Current Sexual harassment laws  1:55-2:10 Company work place policies  2:10-2:25 Exercise: what have we learned ?  2:25-2:40 Training evaluation  2:40-2:55 Monitor individual actions  2:55-3:00 Wrap-Up: Summary, Personal Action Plan, Evaluation

14 Language ability is an essential part of the job Job description for the position The requirement is consistently and uniformly enforced

15 Documents should be consider  Work rules  Discipline and termination notices  Written employment agreements  Pay roll deduction forms  Releases and settlement

16 TRAINING FOR WORLPLACE BEHAVIOUR  Work performance standards  Work rules  Procedures for asking questions  Resolving problems  Trained to existing employees

17 Adoption and enforcement of a discrimination and harassment policy Consistent and uniform application of discipline Documentation of the entire investigation Develop a record retention program EEO investigation records should be kept indefinitely

18 If someone touch you does it sexual harassment? If you go for job and the person do not allow to do job as a lady? If your boss or any other person used double meaning language in front of you does it is sexual harassment?

19 ESTABLISH CULUTURALLY SENSITIVE PROCEDURES Individualistic assertive and usually out spoken Obey labour and employment laws Cultural diversity Developing alternate methods for answering questions

20 EFFECTIVE MENTORING PROGRM  Develop management talent  Organisational learning  Improve creativity and innovation  Encourage staff to use their experience  Provide opportunities for mentors to gain own practice

21 SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY  Recruitment and promotion procedures can assist  In section 4.4 “ finding a fit between task structures and diversity”

22 End of the presentation Do you have any questions? Thank you

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