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GROWTH OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE APEH chapter 16. Ottoman Empire AAfter taking much of southeast Europe in the 16 th century, Ottomans were treated as another.

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2 Ottoman Empire AAfter taking much of southeast Europe in the 16 th century, Ottomans were treated as another European power in the 17 th century HHighly effective government Led by sultans or viziers (Prime Ministers) Constantinople was splendid with thriving population

3 Topkapi Palace

4 Ottoman Empire  Millet System:  Millet=independent region  Self-governed by religious leaders Collected taxes Regulated behavior, maintained courts, schools, houses of worship, and hospitals

5  Many Jewish people, who were cruelly oppressed in Western Europe (aka Reconquista), moved to Istanbul and found Turkey to be a “haven” = a mass migration of Jewish people soon followed

6 Ottoman Empire  Devshirme  Christian youths captured(sometimes given) by the Ottoman agents and recruited for the Imperial civil service and standing army Converted to Islam The brightest 10% entered the Palace school and were trained for civil service The others were sent to Turkish farms and were trained for toughness = Janissaries Janissaries were the elite army corps who were absolutely loyal to the Sultan

7 Maintaining the Empire  Sultans reproduced only with concubines  One son each  Son’s sent to govern a province  System erodes under Sulleiman  Has children with slave he married This give power to the wife  Used arranged marriages for children Married into noble families, spreading political power Bureaucratic administration

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