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Parallel Distribution Current developments, new opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Distribution Current developments, new opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Distribution Current developments, new opportunities

2 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.2 Agenda 1.Parallel Distribution - Business Opportunity 2.Demo: Automated single activations („fake bulk“) 3.New marketplace for scaling parallel distribution 4.Next steps, risk evaluation, discussion

3 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.3 1. Parallel Distribution - Business Opportunity

4 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.4 1. Business Opportunity - 2015

5 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.5 1. Business Opportunity - 2016

6 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.6 2. Demo: Automated single activations

7 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.7 2. Demo: „The Machine“

8 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.8 3. Marketplace for parallel distribution

9 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.9 3. Marketplace for parallel distribution

10 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.10 Next steps, risk evaluation, discussion

11 Thanks For listining

12 How to start selling codes on Codeswholesale

13 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.13 1. Sign in to

14 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.14 2. Click on logo button „Prepaiders“.

15 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.15 3. Click on „Start selling now“.

16 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.16 4. Now we are on the side of „codeswholesale” predefined products. The applied products are sorted alphabetically. In our example, I 'm going to look for the „iTunes”. For this we enter in the search bar „itunes”.

17 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.17 5. Presently we click to „Itunes €15 Gift Card DE”.

18 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.18 6. Next we set our selling price and click on „Define”.

19 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.19 7. Then we put a checkmark in „visible”.

20 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.20 8. Bulk discount. You can append custom difference values to seller price.

21 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.21 9. In the next picture we click on „Add”.

22 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.22 10. Now you can add the codes as text or image file.

23 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.23 11. At first I select „Text”. Here are a required field, where you have to enter the code. You can enter one or any number of codes. Supplier name and Supplier price are optional information.

24 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.24 12. Now I show you to add an image-file. We click to „Upload files”.

25 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.25 13. Then we add upload codes to stock.

26 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.26 14. And in the last picture you see the added text and image files.

27 How to buy on „codeswholesale“

28 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.28 1. Sign in to

29 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.29 2. We click to the left column on the category „price list”.

30 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.30 3. For Example: Enter in the search bar Itunes. Select Itunes €15 Gift Card DE.

31 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.31 4. Completely on the right we have a choice field, where we can give our shopping amount. If we select the amount 1, you get the price 15,97€. This is the Retail price, with an amount from 1 to 9.

32 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.32 5. With an amount from 10, costs the unit price 15,47€

33 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.33 6. With an amount from 100, costs the unit price 15,17€. (Wholesale)

34 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.34 7. Put the amount on “1”. Click to the shopping cart.

35 Confidential and not for replication or distribution.35 8. Now you see your shopping card. You can continue shopping or click to buy to conclude the purchase.

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