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Bryan Bauer And Jack Taylor!!

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1 Bryan Bauer And Jack Taylor!!
Crystal Formation Bryan Bauer And Jack Taylor!!

2 Crystallization The process of crystal formation through the various methods of crystal growth is called crystallization. The crystallization process consists of two major events, nucleation and crystal growth

3 Nucleation Nucleation is the step where the solute molecules dispersed in the solvent start to gather into clusters

4 Crystal Growth Formal Definition-The growth of a crystal, which involves diffusion of the molecules of the crystallizing substance to the surface of the crystal, diffusion of these molecules over the crystal surface to special sites on the surface, incorporation of molecules into the surface at these sites, and diffusion of heat away from the surface. Huh?

5 Crystal Growth Once there becomes a certain number of solute (sugar in the case of rock candy) molecules, a so-called "critical size" where the combined attractive forces between the solute molecules become stronger than the other forces in the solution a protocrystal (pre-crystal) is formed. As this protocrystal floats around in solution, it encounters other solute molecules. These solute molecules feel the attractive force of the protocrystal and join in. That's how the crystal begins to grow. It continues growing until eventually, it can no longer remain "dissolved" in the solution and it falls out of the solution. Now other molecules begin growing on the surface of the crystal and it keeps on getting bigger until there is an equilibrium reached between the solute molecules in the crystal and those still dissolved in the solvent.

6 Different Ways Crystals Are Formed
Evaporation: Crystals formed by evaporation form due to the fact that there is decreasingly less solvent available for the ions to be dissolved in, therefore causing a state of metastable or supersaturation (ROCK CANDY!!) in which nucleation and crystal growth can occur. Adjust the pH: The crystals form because the extent to which the ions are soluble decreases when the pH is changed in the right direction. Lower the temperature: By lowering the temperature of the solvent, you can reduce the solubility of the ions.

7 Rock Candy When we create Rock Candy the candy goes through the same process some crystals would. The water is the solution and as it evaporates the solute (sugar) comes out of the solution. The sugar is known as a precipitate. The molecules buildup on the string and create a crystal.

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