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Rocks and Weathering. Benchmarks: 0 SC.6.N.3.4- Identify the role of models in the context of the benchmarks. 0 SC.6.E.6.1- Describe and give examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and Weathering. Benchmarks: 0 SC.6.N.3.4- Identify the role of models in the context of the benchmarks. 0 SC.6.E.6.1- Describe and give examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and Weathering

2 Benchmarks: 0 SC.6.N.3.4- Identify the role of models in the context of the benchmarks. 0 SC.6.E.6.1- Describe and give examples of ways in which Earth’s surface is built up and torn down by weathering, erosion, and deposition.

3 Vocabulary 0 Weathering 0 Erosion 0 Sediment 0 Deposition 0 Physical weathering 0 Chemical weathering 0 Abrasion 0 Frost wedging 0 Oxidation 0 Permeable

4 Processes that Wear down and Build up Earth’s Surface 0 Natural processes break down rocks and carry pieces away. 0 Weathering- the process that breaks down rock and other substances. 0 Once rock is broken down, the smaller pieces can be carried away by wind, water, ice, or gravity.

5 Erosion 0 Erosion- the process by which bits of broken rock are carried away. 0 Erosion moves sediment- small pieces of rock, soil, remains of plant or remains of animals. 0 Deposition- occurs where the sediment is laid down, or deposited. Final place where sediment is moved.

6 Weathering and Erosion Cycle

7 Weathering, Erosion, & Deposition 0 WEATHERING, EROSION, AND DEPOSITION act together in a cycle that wears down and builds up Earth’s surface. 0 Weathering- breaks down the Earth and Erosion and Deposition build up the Earth’s surface. The cycle is never –ending.

8 Two types of Weathering: Physical and Chemical 0 Physical Weathering- rock is physically broken into smaller pieces. 1. Animal Actions 2. Freezing and Thawing 3. Plant Growth 4. Release Pressure 5. Abrasion 0 Chemical Weathering- process that breaks down rock through chemical changes. 1- Water 2- oxygen 3- carbon dioxide 4-living organisms 5- acid rain

9 5 agents of Physical Weathering

10 Agents (Causes)of Physical Weathering 1.Animal Actions 2.Freezing and Thawing 3.Plant Growth 4.Release Pressure 5.Abrasion

11 5 Agents of Chemical Weathering

12 How fast does weathering occur? 2 factors determine how fast weathering occurs… 0 1. Type of Rock- if rocks are made of materials that dissolve easily will weather faster. If rocks are permeable, full of tiny holes where water can seep into it, they will also weather faster. 0 2. Climate- Physical and chemical weathering occur faster in wet and hot climates.

13 Chapter 3 Lesson 1 Review

14 Mass Movement

15 What is Gravity? 0 Gravity is the force that pulls everything toward the center of the Earth. 0 It pulls rock down slopes, it can cause sections of rock to fall off cliffs, it can also cause movement of large amounts of sediment.

16 Mass Movement 0 Is any one of several processes that move large amounts of sediment downhill. 0 There are 4 types of mass movements: 1- Landslides 2-Mudflows 3- Slumps 4- Creep

17 Landslides 0 Landslides occur when rock and soil slide quickly down a steep slope. They contain a small amount of rock or soil.

18 Mudflows Mudflows- is the rapid downhill movement of a mixture of water, rock, and soil. They often occur after heavy rains in normally dry areas.

19 Slumps Slumps are masses of rock and soil that suddenly slips down a slope. The mass moves down in one whole piece. They occur in soil high in clay.

20 Creep 0 Creep- a very slow downhill movement of rock and soil. It can occur on gently slopes as well. Creep are usually caused by freezing and thawing.

21 Match the diagram with the mass movement 1- Landslides 2-Mudflows 3- Slumps 4- Creep

22 Mass Movement Review

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