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Women Insubordination Presented by : Arzlelei Joyce Marie Fiel and Christine Mae N. Franco March 6,2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Women Insubordination Presented by : Arzlelei Joyce Marie Fiel and Christine Mae N. Franco March 6,2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women Insubordination Presented by : Arzlelei Joyce Marie Fiel and Christine Mae N. Franco March 6,2012

2 Overview Insubordination is the act of willfully disobeying an authority. Refusing to perform an action that is unethical or illegal is not insubordination.

3 Factors that can lead to Insubordination *Personal Agendas An employee with his own agenda will disobey a direct order if it will forward that agenda. The agenda could be to oust a supervisor so the employee can take over the position or it could be a more personal reason that only the employee understands.

4 *Stress Example, the employee is doing the job of three people--or the stress could be personal in nature, causing him to become so overwhelmed that he simply cannot take on more tasks. This is usually a temporary situation but it can be corrected without severe disciplinary action.

5 *Work Environment Before taking any sort of disciplinary action, it is imperative that the cause of the rebellion be located and corrected, especially if the insubordinate employee has been a valued member of the organization in the past.

6 *Gender In terms of gender, the Workplace Bullying Institute (2007) states that women appear to be at greater risk of becoming a bullying target, as 57% of those who reported being targeted for abuse were women.

7 Men are more likely to participate in aggressive bullying behavior (60%), however when the bully is a woman her target is more likely to be a woman as well (71%).








15  Some women weep when they find out their baby is a girl because, to them, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. In some parts of India, it's traditional to greet a family with a newborn girl by saying, "The servant of your household has been born."

16 Instance in which an employee is accused of insubordination Refusal to Carry Out an Order: The general rule for employees who are confronted with a work order they believe is objectionable, unfair, improper, illegal or a violation of the union contract is: "work now, grieve later.“

17 Abusive Language Employees may be subject to discipline for using profane or abusive language, though it may not necessarily warrant a charge of insubordination or result in dismissal of the employee.

18 Disrespectful Attitude Grumbling or "back talk" (without a clear refusal to carry out orders) may subject an employee to discipline, and, may, eventually, lead to a charge of insubordination, but, by itself, is not enough to justify that charge or to result in immediate dismissal.

19 Union Stewardship When acting in one's capacity as a steward, an employee is management's equal and has much more leeway to engage in behavior that otherwise would constitute insubordination. This does not give the steward unrestricted rights to act in defiance of management.

20 According to Hoel and Cooper, common abusive workplace behaviors are: 1.Having your opinions and views ignored 2.Withholding information which affects your performance 3.Being exposed to an unmanageable workload 4.Being given tasks with unreasonable or impossible targets or deadlines 5.Being ordered to do work below competenceCooper

21 6.Being ignored or facing hostility when you approach 7.Being humiliated or ridiculed in connection with your work. 8.Excessive monitoring of a person's work 9.Spreading gossip 10.Having insulting or offensive remarks made about your person, your attitudes or your private life 11.Having key areas of responsibility removed or replaced with more trivial or unpleasant taskshumiliatedgossipinsulting

22 Throughout history and until recent times women have had to be very obedient to their fathers and their surrounding society. Women never had more rights then men and had to obey every order from their fathers as well as their husbands. Women were thought of being less human then men, and less intelligent. Also society was setup for many women to be the homemaker where they where grown up to bear children, take care of the home, cook, and clean. Marriage a lot of times in these societies was fixed and rarely out of love. Women often were the link to bring one family together with another for political or power reasons. Sometimes a young man would pay a man money to marry his daughter. Women most of the time had little or no say in the decision their father made with whom they were supposed to be married. This was the type of society William Shakespeare lived and wrote his plays in.

23 References php php http://www.laborlaw.usc- lawful-orders/ http://www.laborlaw.usc- lawful-orders/

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