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Lesser Known Injections XML Injections AMol NAik.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesser Known Injections XML Injections AMol NAik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesser Known Injections XML Injections AMol NAik

2 About me Web Application PentesterCore member of Garage4HackersBounty Hunter in pastCurrently fuzzing browsers for Fun & Profit

3 Garage4Hackers Family of 3,800, posts 8k+40+ best Bug Bounty submissions15+ browser bugs in Chrome, IE, FF & SafariASLR bypass method presented at CanSecWest was already shared on G4H forum5+ Information Security Research (cable TV & Datacard)10+ Tools & scripts, 1+ Web application CTFRanchhoddas Webcast Series – 5+ webinarsFollow us on Twitter @garage4hackers

4 Agenda XML BasicXML InjectionXXE AttackXPath BasicsXPath Injections

5 XXE is a the new SQL Injection - Someone on Twitter

6 XML Injection in Real-World Yandex pwned for $5000 with XXE by @d0znppOpenID XXE by Reginaldo SilvaMultiple XXE bugs by @Securatary teamXXE in Google Toolbar by Detectify team - $10k

7 XML Basics

8 eXtensible Markup LanguageFlexible text- based formatPresents structured infoUsed for Data Exchange/Storage

9 XML Components

10 XML – CDATA Section Tells parser not to use markup for characters in this sectionExamples:

11 XML Injections

12 Injection Points

13 XML Injection – Node Attribute


15 XML Injection – Node Value


17 XML Injection – CDATA Section


19 XXE Attack

20 XML Entity VariableDefine Can be Internal/External

21 XML Entity

22 XXE Attack

23 XPath Basics Language to select XML NodesFormats XML data as tree-structured valuesSimilar as SQL (in some sense)

24 XPath Syntax Uses path expressions to select nodes or node-sets in an xml document ExpressionDescription nodenameSelects all child nodes of the named node /Selects from root node //Selects nodes from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are.Selects current node..Selects parent of the current node

25 XPath Predicates Used to find a specific node or a node that contain specific value.Always embedded in square brackets

26 XPath Predicates ExpressionResult /Employees/Employee[1]Selects first ‘Employee’ element that is the child of ‘Employees’ element /Employees/Employee[last()]Selects last ‘Employee’ element that is the child of ‘Employees’ element /Employees/Employee[position()<3]Selects first 2 ‘Employee’ elements that are children of Employees element //Employee[@ID=‘1’]Selects all the ‘Employee’ elements that have an attribute named ‘ID’ with a value of ‘1’

27 XPath Location Path Syntax: axisname::nodetest[predicate]

28 XPath Location Path ExampleResult child::EmployeeSelects all ‘Employee’ node that are children of the current node attribute::idSelects the id attribute of the current node child::*Selects all children of the current node attribute::*Selects all attributes of the current node child::text()Selects all text child nodes of the current node child::node()Selects all child nodes of the current node descendant::EmployeesSelects all ‘Employees’ descendants of the current node

29 XPath Injection XPath Query: /Employees/Employee[UserName/text() = ‘user’ and Password/text() = ‘passwd’]/Type/text()

30 XPath Injection No UserName & Password known:

31 XPath Injection UserName known: /Employees/Employee[UserName/text() = ‘mbrown’ or ‘1’=‘1’ and Password/text() = ‘anything’]Type/text()

32 XPath Injection No UserName & Password known & Password is not vulnerable:

33 Conclusion XML Injections are ignoredMany sites having these issues

34 That's It !! AMol NAik @amolnaik4 mailto:

35 References XPath InjectionHacking XPath 2.0Blind XPath Injection

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