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By : Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces.

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Presentation on theme: "By : Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces."— Presentation transcript:

1 by : Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces

2 Managing People Doesn’t Have to Be This Way…

3 A leader is a vendor of hope A leader is a vendor of hope -Napoleon Critical Point Many Leaders Forget

4 If I don’t know how to win If I don’t know how to win I don’t have hope. I don’t have hope. When I don’t have hope I don’t engage. I don’t engage.

5 Understands what we want. Appreciates what we do well. Has a plan to help us. We are more likely to listen to someone who…

6 Working in the right triangle Rescuer Persecutor Victim Coach Challenger Creator Empowerment Drama Passion-basedOutcome-oriented Anxiety-basedProblem-focused

7 What Managers Usually Do When Employees Do Not Perform Well  Roll their eyes  Complain  Avoid them  Run to HR  Punish passively  Hope they quit  Hope they come down with a serious disease that’s not infectious  Fanaticize about hiring a hit-man  Hope they win the lottery so they don’t have to work with people anymore  Roll their eyes  Complain  Avoid them  Run to HR  Punish passively  Hope they quit  Hope they come down with a serious disease that’s not infectious  Fanaticize about hiring a hit-man  Hope they win the lottery so they don’t have to work with people anymore

8 The Number Two Fear of Adults

9 Sometimes I run. Sometimes I hide.

10 ear Triggers with Tenacity! the First 1. Know Fear Triggers 2. Discuss Clear Boundaries and Expectations 3. Follow-up with Tenacity! 4. Have the Second Conversation during the First Drama-Free Basics

11 Step one: Know Fear Triggers

12 Feelers  Fear of conflict Talkers  Fear of disapprovalDoers  Fear of being taken advantage of Thinkers  Fear of being wrong

13 The biggest problem with communication is the The biggest problem with communication is theillusion that communication has occurred!


15 Opening Phrases to Use With Different Personality Styles  Talkers:  Use “Praise Sandwich”…without the “but”  Example: “You’re so good with people and you deserve more credit for that.”  Doers:  “Here’s the issue and here’s what I need from you.”  Thinkers:  “I’ve been thinking about how we can be more accurate and efficient.”  Feelers:  “I need your help.”  Talkers:  Use “Praise Sandwich”…without the “but”  Example: “You’re so good with people and you deserve more credit for that.”  Doers:  “Here’s the issue and here’s what I need from you.”  Thinkers:  “I’ve been thinking about how we can be more accurate and efficient.”  Feelers:  “I need your help.”

16 Don’t expect anyone to get excited about your agenda until you are excited about theirs. 19 Key Point

17 Step two: Discuss Clear Boundaries and Expectations

18 Drama-Free Accountability 1 10 My Perception Your Perception How do we close this gap? Bite-size pieces

19 PRACTICE the 10/90 RULE

20 What Does Success Look Like to You? The Critical Question I Forgot to Ask

21 Loyal vs. Disloyal Opposition

22 Magic phrases for tough talk  Can we talk about what just happened?  I owe you an apology. I should have been honest with you earlier.  Can we start over?  What we are currently doing is not working.  Ask for a wish-list.  Can we talk about what just happened?  I owe you an apology. I should have been honest with you earlier.  Can we start over?  What we are currently doing is not working.  Ask for a wish-list.

23 Give me your Wish List If you could change anything about my performance, what would you change?

24 Step three: Follow-up with Tenacity “If it breathes, it needs encouragement.” – Charlie Chaplain



27 The lack of communication is a form of abuse.

28 Experience divided by Unmet Expectations equals Degree of potential Drama

29 Step four: Have the Second Conversation during the First Take the fear and indigestion out of follow-up!

30 The Power of Contingencies Expect the best but be prepared for the worst Get support for your back-up plan from HR or supervisor Communicate the next step with the associate so it won’t be difficult to follow-up

31 The Contingency Plan “If this doesn’t work, what’s our next step?” 31

32 1.Know _____ __________. 2.Discuss Clear _________ ___ _____________. ____ ___________! 3.Follow-up ____ ___________! 4.Have the Second Conversation ________ ____ _______. 1.Know _____ __________. 2.Discuss Clear _________ ___ _____________. ____ ___________! 3.Follow-up ____ ___________! 4.Have the Second Conversation ________ ____ _______. Drama-Free Review

33 33

34 Dedicated to helping people live dramatically good lives... quickly transforming the drain of drama to the pulse of peace at home and at work. For a daily Two-Minute Tune-Up 34

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