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Empowering Students: Helping Students Move from the Concrete towards the Abstract.

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Presentation on theme: "Empowering Students: Helping Students Move from the Concrete towards the Abstract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowering Students: Helping Students Move from the Concrete towards the Abstract

2 Using Visualization Tools to help bridge the gap between manipulations (concrete) and paper work (abstract)

3 What is a visualization tool? A visualization tool is a means to provide learners with a clear picture of a concept or process For example, the online Harcourt Multimedia Math Glossary provides a clear picture (or visualization) of addition ath2/index5.html

4 Visualization Tools Sources Online: there are numerous sites online SMART Board: the Gallary contains many interactive visualization tools

5 Visualization Tools Types short animations e.g. for vocabulary: acute angle Harcourt SchoolsHarcourt Schools manipulative tools e.g. using manipulatives: geometry, geoboards National Library Virtual Manipulatives National Library Virtual Manipulatives short video-clip visualizations e.g. for concepts, proper fractions Alberta GovernmentAlberta Government

6 Visualization Tools: Online for math………Harcourt School for vocabulary across the curriculum –Math – Art – National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Rainforest Maths

7 Visualization Tools online for language arts………….

8 Visualization Tools: SMART Board

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