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Yes We Must Coalition Presentation to College/Career Affinity Group January 15, 2013 Gary Bonvillian,

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Presentation on theme: "Yes We Must Coalition Presentation to College/Career Affinity Group January 15, 2013 Gary Bonvillian,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yes We Must Coalition Presentation to College/Career Affinity Group January 15, 2013 Gary Bonvillian, President Thomas University Nancy Moody, President Tusculum College Gloria Nemerowicz, President Yes We Must Coalition

2 Who We Are Established 2011 to collaborate to improve student access and success and to advocate for our students and our sector of higher education 32 small, private, non-profit, 2- and 4-year colleges/universities; urban and rural across the country Fewer than 5,000 undergrads, 50% or more Pell eligible per institution Average Pell enrollment 65% Total undergraduates 33,000

3 Who We Are (Cont.) Associate and Bachelor degrees 2 HBCUs, 5 HSIs, 6 women’s, 20 religiously affiliated Non-traditional-aged students majority Usually more than half enter as transfers

4 Values Different roots and histories. Joined by focus on underrepresented students largely in own regions Strong value-based missions focused on students Commitment to a campus-wide culture of support for success and belief in possibility of success All campus members take responsibility for supporting teaching and learning Focus on the student

5 Common Practices Intrusive, relational, holistic advising/intervention Attention to new student transition/seminars and learning communities with success strategies and skills embedded “Remediation” seen as developmental; most give full or institutional credit Financial literacy education Experiential, on-line and community-connected learning options Creativity with structure: blocks; preset cohort classes; year round; parallel am, pm, night and weekend schedules

6 Common Challenges Collecting and analyzing data to inform actions Staying connected to graduates Developing metrics that reflect the reality of our students Expense of retention tracking tools Expense of Financial Literacy tools Helping students finance their education w/o high debt

7 Empowering Students at Tusculum College Pre-College TRIO Programs  Upward Bound  Talent Search Preparation for College – Grades 9-12  Application Deadlines  ACT/SAT Tests  Major/Career Planning  Financing Post-Secondary Education  Deciding on a Post-Secondary Institution  Questions to Ask During Campus Visits

8 Empowering Students: Success College TRIO Programs  Student Support Services (1997)  ARCHES (2010) Campus Programs  Activities to support persistence and graduation Living Learning Communities Grant Aid Cultural Awareness Programs Academic Advising & Tutoring Services Conditional Admissions Materials Loan program Staff Focusing Totally on Retention

9 Preparation for Success: Bridging Bridges U. S. Department of Education  Investing in Innovation (i3) Grant Northeast Tennessee College and Career Ready Consortium (NETCO) Niswonger Foundation  Professionalism for Leadership Grant

10 Empowering Students at Thomas University Pre-college Program 2 + 2 articulation agreements with community colleges Academic policies: grade renewal and grade forgiveness Early Alert process/intervention strategies

11 Engaging Students: Breaking Down Barriers to Success Proactive Integrated Advising TRIO Secondary and Post-secondary programs at a private university Developmental Studies program linked with college classes Performance Enhancement Center for student athletes Unique Academic Policies that support Stop Out students

12 Engaging Students (Cont.) Distance students at TU are equally engaged in courses, support services… OWL-Older Wiser Learner student organization Honor Societies Exclusively For Special Populations –recognize and acknowledge the academic achievement of non-traditional and student veterans Alpha Sigma Lambda-honor society for non-trad students SALUTE-honor society for Veterans

13 Transforming Students : Changing Lives from Admission to Graduation Student Transformations—ample evidence of student transformations, both qualitative and quantitative UniqueTU Score Card of successes with non- traditional students, stop-out and transfer students


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