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Aboriginal Student Centre March 2008. University of Regina’s Aboriginal Student Centre Offers programming in the following core areas: z Student Success.

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Presentation on theme: "Aboriginal Student Centre March 2008. University of Regina’s Aboriginal Student Centre Offers programming in the following core areas: z Student Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aboriginal Student Centre March 2008

2 University of Regina’s Aboriginal Student Centre Offers programming in the following core areas: z Student Success z Mentorship z Elder’s program z Community Outreach and Awareness

3 Student Success zThe Aboriginal Student Centre provides a link to access essential supports that enhance the educational experience for Aboriginal students on campus. zUR Voice Student Luncheon series zStudents are able to access various academic/personal development seminars weekly z Through the Aboriginal Career Centre access info on student employment and career planning information.

4 Kâspohtamâtotân Mentorship Program  Connects University students with high school students to provide them with insight into their post-secondary options. zProvide pre-admission counseling zCreate an awareness of the supports available both at the University and within the community to access that will support post-secondary studies.

5 Elder’s Programming zStudents, staff and faculty have access to Elder’s. zRediscovering the Path – the ASC hosts various Elder’s from across southern SK to come and share traditional teachings and knowledge.

6 Community Outreach and Awareness z Support Aboriginal Awareness Session – facilitate in partnership with HR dept –act as a liaison within the University to bridge the cultural gap. z Build partnerships with various First Nation and Metis organizations to bring an awareness of the activities of the ASC.  Partner with various external organizations that support and serve Aboriginal people within the community

7 Other ASC points zProvide an environment area for students, staff and visitors to socialize. z Aboriginal Student Association. z Host sharing/talking circles. z Assist students accessing avenues to regain cultural, traditional practises. zEmpowering students to act responsibly on their own behalf.

8 Some Key Areas to Success z “ Buy-in” from student population. z Understanding student demographics and issues. z Forming partnerships with University community and external stakeholders. z Creating role models for students and linking them to role models.

9 Aboriginal Student Centre  “One of the main goals of the Centre is to create a heightened awareness of the services and supports available to Aboriginal students and ensure they are able to reap the benefits of those services being offered, in supporting their academic success.”

10 Thank You Questions?

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