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Environmental Illnesses

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1 Environmental Illnesses
Sports Medicine I

2 Fluid Replacement Dehydration is primary cause of heat illness
Athletes can loose 5-10 pounds during one practice session If you wait to drink when you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated

3 Heat Cramps Least serious of heat illnesses
First sign that body is having difficulty Most common in lower extremities and abdominal cavity

4 Heat Cramps Signs and Symptoms First Aid Procedures Profuse sweating
Involuntary cramping of the muscles First Aid Procedures Move to cooler location Provide fluids Athlete must stretch and apply ice Monitor signs of other illnesses

5 Heat Exhaustion More serious condition More difficult to recognize
Usually not life-threatening Not treated properly. It can become a medical emergency

6 Heat Exhaustion Signs and Symptoms First Aid Procedures
Cool, moist, pale skin Headache, dizziness Fast, shallow breathing Weak, but rapid pulse Dilate pupils Nausea/vomiting Cramps Weakness Fainting my occur First Aid Procedures Remove from direct sunlight Remove excessive clothing Reduce body temp Cool the body Drink fluids Gradually progress to participation

7 Heat Stroke Most serious Life-threatening and a medical emergency!!
Body temp of 104 or higher Thermoregulatory system fails Blood diverted to surface of skin Internal organs shut down Result in coma or death

8 Heat Stroke Signs and Symptoms First Aid Procedures Mentally confused
Elevated temperature Headache/dizziness Absence of sweating Strong, rapid pulse Falling BP Diarrhea/vomiting May faint First Aid Procedures Activate EMS Remove excessive clothing Cool athlete quickly If conscious, give fluids MUST be cleared by MD to return to competition

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