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Tracking Systems in VR.

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1 Tracking Systems in VR

2 Optical Trackers Photo sensors detect a range of the electromagnetic spectrum Usually arranged in 2D grid CCD (old) or CMOS (fast) A single 2D image point provides what information? Location Color? Intensity Camera = Sensor + Lens + Color Filter X pixels Y pixels

3 Simple Camera Model You want a projection of the 3D world
i.e. what your eyes see Sensor by itself does not do this Pinhole camera is easy to understand Each pixel represents light from a particular direction Poor light gathering Lens approximates pinhole Focuses light from a particular point in space Problem with depth-of-field Lens distortions Jan 9

4 Simple Camera Calibration
Focal Length Distance of pinhole to image plane Along with sensor size determines field of view Center of projection Was center of sensor glued directly along optical axis? Can be assumed to be res_x/2,res_y/2 Position and Orientation Well known techniques ImagePoint= C*WorldPoint C is the camera matrix (3 x 4) 2 equations per world point, means 6 required points to obtain C In practice we use many more From C we can segment focal length, center of projection, position and orientation

5 Issues in Camera Tracking
Isolating tracking points Which pixels contain the tracked object? Finding point correspondences Which pixels correspond to what on the tracked object Mapping tracked object to 3D pose Camera resolution Limits accuracy and sensitivity Camera exposure time Limits update rate Points are rarely a single pixel This can be a good thing (additional constraint, sub-pixel accuracy)

6 Optical Object Tracking (with calibrated camera and known point correspondences)
1 point – direction of object relative to camera 2 points – direction of object, roll of camera 3 non-colinear points – 6 degrees of freedom (4 possible solutions) 4 coplanar, non-colinear points – 6 degrees of freedom (unique solution)

7 Markers Pure image features (e.g. corners) are difficult to use, segment, and if possible take too long to do (lag…) Markers Fast segmentation, high accuracy, point correspondences Encumbrance, occlusion, setup Active Marker: marker emits light Passive Marker: absorbs light Reflective markers are a good compromise Strobe light source, low-exposure, infra-red imaging Expensive cameras

8 Optical Tracking Configurations
Outside-looking-in (fixed camera positions, moving objects) Inside-looking-out (fixed objects, moving camera) 1-N Cameras

9 Multiple Camera Tracking (with calibrated cameras and image correspondences)
Single point is a direction (ray) from each camera Known positions and orientations of cameras Find shortest line segment between camera rays May not exactly intersect 1 point provides position only Combine multiple points for orientation Quality dependent on distance between points Good for inside looking out Bad for outside looking in

10 Lateral Effect Photo Diode
Like a photocell, but current output proportional to center of light intensity. If the LEPD can only see a single light, it immediately senses the position of the light in the imager (direction) Multiple lights on at a time are a problem Superior update rate and little processing Near 0 latency Hi-Ball tracker 6 LEPDs Ceiling of LED strip lights 1 light on at a time (fast sequence) Best head-tracker in VR

11 Depth Cameras In addition to measuring light intensity, also measure distance to light source Two existing varieties Time-of-Flight: Measures how long it takes for an infrared light pulse to be picked up by each pixel High price / pixel, low latency Structured Light: Measures properties of a projected infrared light field (Kinect) Low price / pixel, but “depth shadows”, processing latency

12 Tracking with Depth Cameras
Big advantages over normal cameras Simple background-foreground segmentation Not dependent on image features for depth (unlike stereo camera pairs) Usually in addition-to, not in replacement of normal camera Can track deformable bodies Known algorithms to fit articulated body model to depth points Primesense NITE (used by FAAST) Based on calibration pose and best-fit model (frame-to-frame) Microsoft Based on machine learning algorithm to recognize body parts Depth is low precision right now, but will improve

13 Optical Tracking Review
Data returned: 6 DOF Spatial distortion – very low (very good accuracy) Resolution – very good Jitter (precision) – very good Drift - none Lag – moderate Update Rate – low - high Range – very large (40’ x 40’ +) Number of Tracked Points – 4 Wireless - yes Interference and noise – occlusion Mass, Inertia and Encumbrance - moderate Price – cheap to very expensive Pros: Can be inexpensive Wide area Very accurate Wireless, near zero mass Cons High quality is very expensive Occlusion Calibration

14 Optical Tracking Performance (Outside Looking In)
Variable Quality (Relative to alternatives) Accuracy Excellent Position (<1mm), Good Orientation (<1 degree) Resolution Excellent (<.1mm <.1degree) Jitter Good position, Poor orientation (for small markers). Drift None Lag Okay (better with on board electronics) Update Rate Poor –> Excellent (30hz– 1500hz) Interference Okay (line of sight) Encumbrance Very good position (low weight, wireless), okay orientation (large marker) Space Very good (depends on camera distance), large physical space requirements Tracked Entities Excellent (no practical limit) Calibration Poor (shifts over time, by end-user) Cost Get what you pay for ($$-$$$$-$$$$$$) High quality, fast cameras are very expensive

15 Optical Tracking Performance (Inside Looking Out)
Variable Quality (Relative to alternatives) Accuracy Okay Position (<1cm), Excellent Orientation (<.1 degree) Resolution Excellent (<.1mm <.1degree) Jitter Okay position, Excellent orientation. Drift None-some (think optical mouse) Lag Okay (better with on board electronics) Update Rate Poor –> Excellent (30hz– 1500hz) Interference Okay (line of sight) Encumbrance Poor (cameras need a wire and have significant weight ) Space Very good (Easier to move than O-L-I), can track very large spaces) Tracked Entities 1/ camera Calibration Good (markers on walls tend to stay put). Cost Get what you pay for ($$-$$$$-$$$$$) High quality, fast cameras are very expensive, but you only need to buy 1.

16 Hand/Finger Tracking Special case of human body tracking
Very difficult, why? 14 joints in small area

17 Mechanical Data Gloves
Most common solution to hand tracking Measure joint angles Mechanical tracking (but not good) Encumbering, sweaty, still need to track hand, etc… Need calibration Poor performance in general Not user independent

18 Optically Tracked Data Gloves
Use specialized markers to facilitate hand tracking in a small space Pulsed LEDs (A.R.T gmbh) Colored Segments (MIT)

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