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Kerry Herndon, MSW, LAC-E Western Montana Addiction Services Project SUCCESS- Sentinel HS.

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Presentation on theme: "Kerry Herndon, MSW, LAC-E Western Montana Addiction Services Project SUCCESS- Sentinel HS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kerry Herndon, MSW, LAC-E Western Montana Addiction Services Project SUCCESS- Sentinel HS

2  Tolerance  Drink more to get the same effect  Blood Alcohol Content  Amount of alcohol in our blood stream  Metabolize  How our body processes and breaks down alcohol  Standard Drink  Binge Drinking  Women 4 in 2 hours  Men 5 in 2 hours


4  Amount of ethanol alcohol per volume  Determining proof:  40% ethanol alcohol per volume = 80 proof  20% ethanol alcohol per volume = 40 proof  65% ethanol alcohol per volume = 130 proof

5  Percentage of Alcohol in Blood by Volume  Determined by:  Body Weight  Number of Drinks Consumed  Over the Course of How Much Time  DUI Limits: .08% if over age 21 .02% if under age 21


7  Your body eliminates about one standard drink per hour  That’s approximately.015 BAC per hour  If a person goes to bed at 2am with a.20 BAC, the next 14 hours would be this…


9  Alcohol can take 2 hours to absorb into bloodstream  Alcohol usually absorbed 30-90 min after drinking  Alcohol absorbs slowly in the body  Males metabolize alcohol more quickly  How it is metabolized depends on:  Body weight and body fat index  Sex hormones  Other medications or health conditions  It is possible to have a BAC over the legal limit the next day, even if you feel “ok”.

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