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THEMES Teleconnections and HEmispheric-scale impacts on the MEditerranean Sea An international scientific workshop in Venice, 25-26 November 2015 Large-scale.

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Presentation on theme: "THEMES Teleconnections and HEmispheric-scale impacts on the MEditerranean Sea An international scientific workshop in Venice, 25-26 November 2015 Large-scale."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEMES Teleconnections and HEmispheric-scale impacts on the MEditerranean Sea An international scientific workshop in Venice, 25-26 November 2015 Large-scale patterns of atmospheric variability significantly affect oceanic variability in the Mediterranean Sea at very different temporal and spatial scales. This occurs through different physical process like, e.g., the response of water masses to pressure anomalies or to changes in the wind-driven circulation and in the evaporation/precipitation budgets. In the northern portion of the Adriatic Sea, for instance, such forcing induced by large-scale atmospheric phenomena on the local thermal and haline oceanic properties eventually affects intermediate and deep water formation and transformation. This variability also crucially contributes to shape patterns of variability in many different oceanic compartments. Scientific Committee Angelo Rubino (University of Venice) Dagmar Hainbucher (University of Hamburg) Davide Zanchettin (University of Venice) THEMES brings together climatologists, experimental oceanographers and modelers to discuss the present state of knowledge about large-scale climatic influences on shorter-scale oceanic variability and predictability in the Mediterranean Sea. A special focus will regard the discussion of results obtained within the Italian project RITMARE ( THEMES aims at paving the way towards improved cooperation between the different groups active in the climatological, oceanographic and meteorological investigation of the Mediterranean basin. Organizers Angelo Rubino ( Davide Zanchettin ( ) PROGRAM Thursday 26 th November Location: Auditorium, Scientific Campus, via Torino 155, 30170 Venezia Mestre Session 5: Chaired by Katrin Schroeder (CNR-ISMAR) Long-term variability, teleconnections and reconstructions /2 9:00-9:15Stefano Pierini. Ocean modelling studies of the Southern Tyrrhenian coastal circulation 9:15-9:30Davide Zanchettin. Teleconnections force interannual-to-decadal sea-level variability in the northern Adriatic Sea 9:30-9:45Carla Taricco. Two millennia of North Italian hydrological variability from marine sediments 9:45-10:00Angelo Rubino. The dynamics of sea straits reveals large-scale modes of variability 10:00-10:30Wrap up discussion with contribution by the International Research Office of University of Venice 10:30-11:00 Coffee break for all participants Session 6: Open discussion 11:00-14:00Open discussion on possible future cooperation Wednesday 25 th November Location: Aula Mario Baratto, Ca’Foscari Palace, Dorsoduro 3246 - 30123 (VE) 8:30-8:45Registration and welcome drink and eat 8:45-9:00Angelo Rubino, Antonio Marcomini. Opening and welcome speeches Session 1: Chaired by Angelo Rubino (UniVe) Deep and abyssal oceanography /1 9:00-9:15Vincenzo Artale. Role of diffusion in the analysis of the CTD cast in the Ionian sea 9:15-9:30Alexandra Gogou. Downward fluxes and composition of sinking particulate matter (5-depth mooring line) in the deep Ionian Sea (Nestor Site): seasonal and interannual variability 9:30-9:45Andrea Bergamasco. Deep Ventilation Processes and our dynamical perception: rumination in progress 9:45-10:00Davide Bonaldo. Dense water in the Adriatic Sea: drivers, pathways and implications. 10:00-10:15Federico Falcini. Friction and mixing effects on potential vorticity for bottom current crossing a marine strait: an application to the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean Sea) 10:15-10:30Dagmar Hainbucher. Hydrography in the Mediterranean Sea during a Cruise with RV POSEIDON in April 2014 10:30-11:00 Coffee break for all participants Session 2: Chaired by Dagmar Hainbucher (IfM-Hamburg) Deep and abyssal oceanography /2 11:00-11:15Manuel Bensi. Effects of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea circulation on the thermohaline properties as recorded by fixed deep-ocean observatories 11:15-11:30Katrin Schroeder. The Western Mediterranean Transition: enhanced thermohaline variability in the western Mediterranean Sea over the past decade 11:30-11:45Toste Tanhua. Variability of ventilation of the Mediterranean Sea 11:45-12:00 Pierpaolo Falco. Water mass structure and deep circulation in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea: results from the VECTOR and RITMARE projects 12:00-12:15Jadranka Sepic. NEMOMED8 performance in the Adriatic Sea: the first results 12:15-12:30Piero Lionello. Past and future evolution of sea level in semi-enclosed basins: the Adriatic and Black Sea examples 12:30-14:00 Lunch Session 3: Chaired by Manuel Bensi (OGS-Trieste) Near-surface processes and variability 14:00-14:15Francesco Marcello Falcieri. The long and winding road of Skeletonema sp from the Gulf of Venice to the Southern Adriatic 14:15:14:30Lavigne Héloise. Influence of circulation and atmospheric fluxes on the phytoplankton phenology in the North Ionian Sea 14:30-14:45Yuri Cotroneo. Algerian Basic Circulation Unmanned Survey – ABACUS: Glider missions to monitor Mediterranean water characteristics and relevant mesoscale features in the Algerian Basin 14:45-15:00Antonio Ricchi. Tropical Like Cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea: a coupled atmosphere- ocean-wave modeling approach 15:00-15:15Thomas Toniazzo. The importance of the spatial-temporal distribution of wind stress for wind-driven upwelling and SST fronts in coastal areas 15:15-15:30Velaoras Dimitris. An internal thermohaline mechanism driving the variability of Eastern Mediterranean conveyor belts 15:30-16:00 Coffee break for all participants Session 4: Chaired by Barbara Stenni (UniVe) Long-term variability, teleconnections and reconstructions /1 16:00-16:15Vanessa Cardin. Monitoring the long-term thermohaline variability in the Eastern Mediterranean from three decades of oceanographic campaigns 16:15-16:30 Ivica Vilibic. Modes of the Adriatic long-term variability as seen on half-centurial Palagruza Sill series 16:30-16:45Shabrang Laleh. Mediterranean thermohaline properties and NAO patterns 16:45-17:00Graham Mortyn. Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT) – type events recorded in the Strait of Sicily for the past 5 centuries 17:00-17:15Enrico Zambianchi. Time evolution of the Mediterranean mixed layer characteristics in the last 70 years. 17:15:17:30Nicola Scafetta. Multi-scale dynamical analysis (MSDA) of sea level records versus PDO, AMO, and NAO indexes 17:305:17:45Maeregu Arisido. Hierarchical Model Approach to combine Climate Model Bias from Ensemble of Models 17:45-18:30Wrap up discussion 20:30Social dinner Emanuela Molinaroli (University of Venice) Barbara Stenni (University of Venice) Peter Brandt (GEOMAR Kiel)

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