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Communication/Grade/Echalk email Session 4 of y Folders & Searching eChalk Email.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication/Grade/Echalk email Session 4 of y Folders & Searching eChalk Email."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication/Grade/Echalk email Session 4 of y Folders & Searching eChalk Email

2 Focusing Questions How can folders be used to organize email? How can I help someone find a ‘lost’ email?

3 Instruction

4 Framing The Session If you were to print every email you receive and file them in paper folders- how would you divide up/ organize the emails? How do you think a teacher might divide his/her emails? Today we will be creating electronic folders to sort our inboxes.

5 How is email organized? 2. Click Folders 1. Login What does the space report tell you? What are the standard folders? What is each folder used for?

6 Create a New Folder 1. Click Create Folder 2. Name it 3. Your new folder will appear.

7 Move Messages 1. Check box next to email to move. 2. Click Move to Folder (either button) 3. Off drop down menu, select folder to move message to. Click ok.

8 Search How can you find a ‘missing’ message? Click search Choose which folder(s) to search. Narrow your search by entering the criteria you know. Search by key word in the subject or body of email or by person it was Cc’d to.

9 Guided Practice Practice searching for a message that you know the location of. Was it found? Which criteria helped you locate it?

10 Work Time

11 Getting Started Let’s organize our inboxes!

12 Work Time Create at least 2 new folders. Move & organize your messages. If needed, clean out your folders (using delete). Role play with a partner. Pretend one of you is the teacher & the other is the iSquader. The teacher describes a lost message using key words, the sender, or subject of a message. See if you can find it using Search. Switch roles.

13 Share

14 What folders did you set up? What made searching successful? Share

15 1)Sometimes teachers are concerned that they are not getting their email: –Check the space report for the folders. Does the sent mail (or other folder) need to be cleaned out? Sharing Troubleshooting Tips

16 2) How do I recover a deleted message? Sharing Troubleshooting Tips If the deleted messages are not being saved in the deleted mail folder, be sure that option has been selected (in Options folder) If a message has been deleted in the past 30 days, (but not on the same day it was received) contact eChalk for recovery. (

17 How does this work address the questions that began the session? How can folders be used to organize email? How can I help someone find a ‘lost’ email?

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