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November 27, 2001 Research Summary (What I Do and Why It’s Important) DMS Lab Meeting Todd Massengill.

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Presentation on theme: "November 27, 2001 Research Summary (What I Do and Why It’s Important) DMS Lab Meeting Todd Massengill."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 27, 2001 Research Summary (What I Do and Why It’s Important) DMS Lab Meeting Todd Massengill

2 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 A Tale of Two Projects  Auditory Recognition –Comparison of Analog and Digital processing –Motivated by requirement for portable real-time sound recognition (NSF grant)  AUV Obstacle Avoidance –Optical and Acoustic obstacle avoidance –Define signals and a common processing technique –Requires low power and functionality (USTLab, OR – Navy grant)

3 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 How It All Began: Auditory Recognition  Built a tunable discrete bank of bandpass filters  Compared this with similar digital spectrum calculation (not filtering)  Compared also with an analog VLSI filter bank (Paul Hasler, GA Tech)

4 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 Results Comparing Digital and Analog  Speaker and Context Independent Phoneme Recognition Digital – Discrete Analog – Analog VLSI – 42.22% 58.33% 39.72%

5 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 The Next Step Analog VLSI Processing  Ideally, each step in the recognition will move to Analog VLSI: –Preprocessing (filtering) –Cepstrum (multiply, DCT) –Hidden Markov Model

6 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 How It Ends: Obstacle Avoidance  Project goal: –Design low-power, dual-use signal processing for optical (image) and acoustic (sonar) data  Create a custom imaging chip (photodiode IC)  Work with USTLab to define the sonar signal  Create a custom image processing chip  Program a PIC microcontroller

7 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 Current Status: Smoothing Chip (20x20)  Fabricated with MOSIS 1.8  m process  Tested using LabView –Smoothing demonstrated in one dimension –On-chip decoder needs to be re-designed for smoothing in two dimensions

8 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 Current Status: Imaging Chip (32x32)  Fabricated with MOSIS 1.8  m process  In Testing using LabView: –Need to find proper bias voltages and integration times –Characterize response to varying light levels –Verify coupling between imaging chip outputs and smoothing chip inputs

9 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 Design Iteration and Demonstration  Design Iteration –Applied for grant from MOSIS for fabrication of smoothing and imaging chips on 0.5  m process (Jan. 22/28 2001) –Demonstrate Imaging chip in a pool, capturing images of the USTLab AUV –Demonstrate Smoothing chip with revised decoder and increased resolution (32x32)

10 Research Summary – Todd Massengill 28-Nov-01 Acknowlegements  Auditory Research –NSF Award #ECS-9907464 –Collaboration with Paul Hasler (GA Tech)  AUV Obstacle Avoidance –USTLab  Academic Advisor –Denise Wilson

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