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Notes les 10-11 septembre Les verbes réguliers The infinitives of most verbs in French end in –er. Regular –er verbs are conjugated as follows: PARLER.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes les 10-11 septembre Les verbes réguliers The infinitives of most verbs in French end in –er. Regular –er verbs are conjugated as follows: PARLER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes les 10-11 septembre Les verbes réguliers The infinitives of most verbs in French end in –er. Regular –er verbs are conjugated as follows: PARLER (to speak) je parlenous parlons tu parlesvous parlez il/elle/on parleils/elles parlent

2 Other regular –er verbs include: aimer (to like/love)habiter (to live) arriver (to arrive)oublier (to forget) commencer (to begin)partager (to share) dessiner (to draw)retrouver (to meet up with) étudier (to study) voyager (to travel)

3 The second group of regular verbs end in –ir. They are conjugated as follows: CHOISIR (to choose) je choisisnous choisissons tu choisisvous choisissez il/elle/on choisitils/elles choisissent

4 Other regular –ir verbs include: finir (to finish)réagir (to react) grandir (to grow)réfléchir (to think/to reflect) obéir (to obey)réussir (to succeed)

5 The third group of regular verbs end in –re. They are conjugated as follows: ATTENDRE (to wait) j’attendsnous attendons tu attendsvous attendez il/elle/on attendils/elles attendent

6 Other regular –re verbs include: descendre (to go down)rendre (to give back) entendre (to hear)répondre (to answer) perdre (to lose)vendre (to sell)

7 Making negatives: Place ne…pas around a conjugated verb to make a negative. Je ne finis pas mes devoirs à l’école. (I don’t finish my homework at school.) Replace pas with jamais (never) to express something that never happens. Il n’arrive jamais à l’heure. (He never arrives on time.)

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