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Sophia Goes to Starbuck’s SPED 743: Operational/Functional Competence Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Sophia Goes to Starbuck’s SPED 743: Operational/Functional Competence Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sophia Goes to Starbuck’s SPED 743: Operational/Functional Competence Training

2 Meet Sophia 10 years old Fine and gross motor limitations Cortical visual impairment Attends The Avalon Academy Context-dependent communicator Vanguard (high-tech SGD) Personal communication book Yes/no facial expressions Vocalizations (emotional expression)

3 Communication Interaction Goals 1. Sophia will initiate novel conversation using her speech generating device to ask questions, make comments or request items. 2. Sophia will practice communicative turn-taking with familiar partners.

4 The Big Day Acceptance/Rejection Comment Listening Comprehension Expressive vocabulary Make choices Multisymbol messages Request Respond contingently Communicative turn- taking

5 Vocabulary Selection “The philosophy of a language-based organization is that the child HAS unique thoughts to express and is capable of doing so and that those unique thoughts are valuable.” ~Robin Hurd

6 Intervention Strategies 1. Expectant delay: provides silent cue to AAC user that it is their turn to communicate and time to process and formulate their own message. 2. Blocked response/Interrupted behavior chain: prevents AAC user from completing activity and requires communicative response. 3. Ask open-ended / wh-questions: prompts higher content responses and requires use of expressive vocabulary.

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