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The impact of Technology on levels of crime 19 February 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "The impact of Technology on levels of crime 19 February 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact of Technology on levels of crime 19 February 2003

2 CSIR: Contributing to the Prevention and Combating of Crime through the application of Science and Technology

3 Food, Biological & Chemical Technologies (Bio/Chemtek) Building & Construction Technology (Boutek) Defence Technology (Defencetek) Water, Environment & Forestry Technology (Environmentek) Information & Communications Technology (icomtek) Manufacturing, Materials and Textile Technology (M&Mtek) Mining Technology (Miningtek) Roads & Transport Technology (Transportek) CSIR CORE TECHNOLOGY FOCUS:

4 Crime prevention technologies Support to SMME's Manufacturing support Environmental impact assessments Outreach programmes and national HR development Sport Technology COLLABORATIVE INITIATIVES

5 Research, development and implementation services Global science and technology links and perspectives Specialised technical and information consulting services Venture establishment Technology transfer and technology assessment Prototyping and pilot-scale manufacturing Software development and products Policy and strategic decision support NATURE OF ACTIVITIES

6 National Role Players and Roles Crime PreventionInvestigations IntelligenceIncarceration Adjudication Prosecutions Rehabilitation SASS & NIA SAPS NPA Dept Justice Dept Corr Serv Dept Soc Dev SARS Dept HA DoD + SANDF Govt Depts (NDoT, etc) Provincial Government Local Government        

7 CSIR Relevant Competencies Security Information and Knowledge Management Database system development GIS mapping Crime pattern analysis Decision support Web-based design Software modelling Information Security and Cyber Crime Data recovery and analysis Hacking and intrusion detection Electronic interception Firewalls and virus protection Investigation of electronic transactions Encryption S & T Security Innovations Innovative solutions to problems Electrical, mechanical, chemical, biological, IT solution development Product development Security Forensics Support Physical Chemical Biological References and standards Evidence handling Expert witness Crime Prevention and Safety Processes Environmental design Policy development Monitoring and evaluation Development and piloting Security consulting Social crime prevention Local safety planning National strategy development Technology Deployment Support (“SERI”) Technology Deployment Support (“SERI”) Operational support Technology acquisition ssupport Test and evaluation Technical capacity building and transfer Focused research and development Security Domain Knowledge & Networks

8 Convergence of Security and Defence External Threats (National Security) Internal Threats (Law and order) Defence (Military) Intelligence Security (Law enforcement) Government Private Sector Communities Government Defence Industry National and international Government Business Communities Globalisation Cyber Crime Organised Crime Peace support Int’l Terrorism 11 Sep fallout

9 Crime Prevention Centre Research and data analysis Database and knowledge management Border control improvement Organised crime research Scorpions technology partnership SARPCCO – vehicles database Court Management Information database Gauteng Electronic Surveillance Assessment

10 To conduct supply and demand analysis On a geographical basis To inform a zero based budget And budget model for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Justice Footprint Project:

11 Implementation of Supply & Demand results Predictions carried forward into budget Gaps could be used to identify possible problems –May be data problems –Special circumstances may exist –Need investigation and monitoring Benchmarking could be done as a continual improvement process Right-sizing of courts –Budget restructuring –More effective resource management

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