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Hints that something is about to happen foreshadowing 2-3 tremors a day before earthquake -- scientists predicting a “big one” coming soon Gist Term Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Hints that something is about to happen foreshadowing 2-3 tremors a day before earthquake -- scientists predicting a “big one” coming soon Gist Term Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 hints that something is about to happen foreshadowing 2-3 tremors a day before earthquake -- scientists predicting a “big one” coming soon Gist Term Day of earthquake was dark, chilly, depressing Bad mood of Mrs. Whitlaw How the Term Applies to the StoryPersonal Experiences Related to Term 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (described in Dragon Wings) Earthquake in San Francisco last month Dragon Wings mass destruction Damage was mostly from old buildings – fires not nearly as big of a problem (no desolation) Gist Term Used to describe the almost complete destruction of San Francisco from shaking & fires that followed How the Term Applies to the StoryPersonal Experiences Related to Term desolation chaos, confusion, disorganization pandemonium SF police & firemen had emergency plan so they knew what to do – very organized Gist Term Nobody knew what to do – Impossible to move around- Horses running wild No “emergency plan” How the Term Applies to the StoryPersonal Experiences Related to Term safe place to stay refuge The best refuge is to run outside & get away from buildings Gist Term Mrs. Whitlaw turned her house into a hospital and shelter for people who lost their homes How the Term Was Used in the StoryPersonal Experiences Related to Term STORY EVENT IN STORY REAL-LIFE EVENT


3 When using the strategy, sometimes I forget to… Places or situations I can use this strategy … I’ve been learning how to… The most important part is … The part I do the best / the hardest part is I’d like to be able to … Strategy Learning Log Use think-sheets to write different kinds of essays Ala. Writing Assessment, Mrs. Wilkin’s English class Mr. Ellis’ essay questions Taking the time to organize your ideas before you start writing the essay Best – brainstorming words to use Hardest – ordering ideas Order the ideas. It just doesn’t seem all that important to me. Get A’s in Mrs. Wilkins & Mr. Ellis’ classes

4 Story Rise & Fall Copyright 2003 Edwin Ellis The children went on a field trip to Farmer Mack Nuggett’s turkey farm The children and turkeys become friends. Farmer Nuggett tells the children the turkeys will become a Thanksgiving Feast After the children left, Mack Nuggett looked around; not a turkey in sight When they came back the children were calm, drank their water and waddled away. The children asked for water, so the teacher and Farmer Nuggett ran to the well to get them water. The part when the kids put the turkeys in their stomachs Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving The children began crying loudly Rising Action Falling Action What you liked about the story Climax (turning point) Characters Setting Outside at farmer Mack Nuggett’s turkey farm Teacher, Mack Nuggett, Children, and turkeys TTTTTT Problem (Goal) The kids wanted to save the turkeys from being dinner for Thanksgiving Solution (Ending)

5 SYYYYYYSSS Novel Largest use of different literary forms NYYYNYYNSS Short Story Like a novel, but shorter SSSSSNNYSS Poetry Like short story, but not in prose NNSSSNNYNS Lyric 2 nd most limited use of literary features SSYYYYSSYN Drama Everything but a moral SSYYYYSSSS Tragedy 2 nd most limited use of literary features SSYYYYSSYN Comedy Everything but a moral SSSYYSSSSS Satire Could include all literary components YNNNYNYNNS Essay Most limited use of literary features Topics Conclusion about the topic Features Novel NoveFjjjldd Codes Y = Yes, topic has this feature N = No, topic does not have this feature S = Sometimes topic has this feature, sometimes not Fiction Non-fiction Characters Setting Plot Theme In verse In prose Has moral Has protagionist Literary Devices

6 Stripe Author: Joanne Partis spotted: to see, find, locate Stripe spotted a cave in the distance. Use the word spotted to describe a time when found something that you had lost. I spotted by pen. Use the word spotted to describe an Easter egg hunt. Bill spotted the last egg. Use the word spotted to describe looking at a Where’s Waldo book. I spotted Waldo in six places. angry: really mad or upset The bees were angry and chased poor Stripe away. Use the word angry to describe a time when you broke something? Mom was angry when I broke her dish. Use the word angry to describe a time when your team did not win the game. The coach was not angry at us when we lost. Use the word angry to describe how your mom would feel if you did not tell the truth. My mom would be angry if I lied. cautiously: carefully Cautiously, he swam to the surface pulled himself unto a log. Use the word cautiously to describe how you need to cross a busy street. Cross the street cautiously. Use the word cautiously to describe how you would drink hot chocolate. I cautiously sipped the hot chocolate. Use the word cautiously to describe how you would clean up broken glass. Cautiously pick up the broken glass. This example illustrates how the original design can be adapted


8 Example of Knowledge & Experience connections

9 Word Castle transgression disobedience compliance to break a law or rule getting in trouble with my parents




















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