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Stony Brook University Scientific Equipment Reuse Program New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Annual Recycling Conference 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Stony Brook University Scientific Equipment Reuse Program New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Annual Recycling Conference 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stony Brook University Scientific Equipment Reuse Program New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Annual Recycling Conference 2015

2 Motivation for and Goals of SERP The Scientific Equipment Reuse Program (SERP) at Stony Brook University was formed in recognition of two issues: 1. scientific education in low income areas is often impeded by a lack of access to science equipment 2. many institutions have a surplus of unwanted or “obsolete” equipment that could be reused rather than discarded SERP therefore aims to collect science equipment no longer needed at Stony Brook University and other local institutions and to send this equipment to schools in low income areas.

3 Original Scope The idea to develop a program like SERP came from a graduate student’s experiences working in Turkana, Kenya- where poverty and illiteracy are rampant. -affiliation between Stony Brook and Turkana Basin Institute -wish lists collected, some equipment sent out -expand program based on 1,3,5 year program Donation boxes to be set up in each department.

4 Example of School Wish List

5 First batch of equipment donated

6 University Hurdles Unfortunately, we were largely unaware while developing this program of how many ways it could get Stony Brook University in trouble. The four primary issues were: 1. Property Control 2. Environmental Health and Safety 3. Liability 4. Export Control

7 How did we address these issues? We had several meetings with high ups on campus. Throughout these meetings, we came up with a plan to work with individual labs being decommissioned (rather than using donation boxes). This dealt with two major issues- property control and environmental health and safety. Throughout these meetings, liability wound up being less of a concern. The major remaining issue - export control- led to a change in the program’s scope.

8 New Scope The goals of SERP remain the same. However, export control issues will require focusing our donation efforts on local schools in need (at least at first). Starting this way will also allow for more interaction between SBU students and students at donating schools. Eventually the goal is still to fundraise enough to ship equipment to Turkana and other developing regions, though this may take several years.

9 Why make SERP into a club? Guest Lectures on Related Topics Prep of Equipment for Donation Club members will act as “liaisons” with schools we are donating to, departments we are working with, etc. Skyping with donation schools “Build-A-Lab” and other events Students come together to help put together labs for schools to conduct based on the equipment available for donation

10 Process of Creating a Club at SBU First step: Attending relevant club meetings (environmental club, marine science club, etc.) to gauge student interest. Students were asked to rank their interest from 1-3, with 3 meaning that they wanted to apply to be on the Executive Board. Second step: Executive board applications were sent to all interested students and an executive board was chosen by the undergraduate founder, the graduate advisor and the faculty advisor. Third step: Club was registered, E-board members attended new club workshops. Fourth step: Constitution written up and submitted. Fifth step: After one year, the club can become financially recognized and receive funding from Student Activities.

11 Club E-Board Taylor Bouraad- President please e-mail Taylor with any questions or ideas! Sara Supriyatno- Vice President Hannah Reed- Secretary Lyndsey Cooper- Treasurer Natasha Gownaris- Graduate Student Advisor Dr. Dino Martins- Faculty Advisor

12 Acknowledgments NYSAR 3 for funding the program during its first year (College Council Grant) and providing advice on how to address issues the program faced for inviting us to present at this conference! a special thanks to John Halenar for his patience in working with the program as we overcame obstacles Faculty and staff at Stony Brook University who have taken the time to meet with the SERP E-Board and brainstorm ways to make the program feasible The program’s faculty advisor, Dr. Dino Martins Lorinda Hill for offering to present this for us AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS BELIEVED IN THE PROGRAM ALONG THE WAY!

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