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Corrections Speak and other readings September 8-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Corrections Speak and other readings September 8-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corrections Speak and other readings September 8-12

2 Monday, September 8, 2014 End of 2 nd Marking Period in Speak

3 First Things First: Grammar (FIRST QUIZ FRIDAY) Rewrite each sentence using the correct pronoun: Today (our, ours) school is sponsoring a book fair. Actually, (my, mine,) teacher suggested the idea. (We, Us) students came up with the theme. She called (my, mines) the best. (I, me) will run the cash register.

4 Second item! Vocabulary Quiz is on Thursday In your tables, you will be given a root word. I want you to take poster and makers and draw your word out for us. You will make four boxes on your paper with one box in the middle. The middle box will have the Root Word. The upper left hand box will have the Root Word’s definition. The upper right hand box will have the example word. The lower left hand box will have a drawing of that word. The lower right hand box will have a list of words and definitions you’ve looked up (at least three).

5 Quick Presentations from Friday Groups who were here on Friday, please present your literary device within 3-5 minutes.

6 Monday’s Homework! Let’s talk about it :) Only question: Why does Melinda faint? Let’s talk about: The silence of the frog. What does it mean? (Think big picture and how the frog relates to Melinda.) When Heather speaks up for Melinda and when she doesn’t. The Marthas. Are we supposed to like them? Freshmeat and Andy Evans. The paperclip Hyperbole

7 Hyperbole review A Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement. Let’s read “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out” by Shel Silverstein. Complete the exercise independently. Don’t forget your Class (A or B) and your number

8 Activity for Today Please write 2 paragraphs on the most hyperbolic excuse for not doing homework possible. If you really like the assignment, write a whole page!

9 For tonight: Read pages 95 to 116 Answer questions 1-7 (it’s not really 7 questions…the numbers got off!) Sorry

10 Tuesday, September 9, 2014

11 Grammar!!! Identify the underlined pronoun as personal, relative, indefinite, interrogative, reflexive or demonstrative pronouns. Those are Tom’s. They didn’t give themselves a chance to think before beginning They didn’t give themselves a chance to think. The dog that bit her brother belongs to him. Do you know when the movie starts?

12 Kahoot! We’re going to have a little competition. The person in seat 1 of each table group may take out his/her phone. (If this person does not have a phone, the duty goes to person 2. If person 2 does not have a phone, it goes to person 3, and so on and so forth.) Please go to Type in the code I tell you to. Whichever group wins gets 10 points on each group member’s Vocabulary Quiz.

13 Tuesday’s Homework Cold Weather and Buses What is the significance of the comparison to a bunny rabbit? Lunch Doom What does Heather tell Melinda at lunch? Why? Do you think Heather did the right thing? Defend your answer. Our Lady of the Waiting Room What compels Melinda to go to the hospital? Why does she stay? How is Melinda’s behavior a cry for help? Give examples. Why do you think she isn’t receiving any help?

14 Symbolism and Imagery Symbolism is when one object represents another. Symbolism Imagery is the use of figurative language to create visual representations in the reader’s mind. Name some symbols (not in the video)!

15 Find at least 2 examples of Imagery and 1 example of Symbolism in Speak and report it! Table one: “Foul” on p.74 through “Coloring Outside the Lines” on p.78 Table two: “Poster Child” on p.79 through “Model Citizen” on p.83 Table three: “Death by Algebra” on p.83 through “Rent Round 3” on p.88 Table four: “Can It” on p.88 through “Dark Art” on p.92 Table five: “Death of the Wombat” on pg. 95 through “Escape” on p.99 Table six: “Code Breaking” on p.100 through “Stunted” on p.104 Table seven: “Lunch Doom” on p. 104 through “Cutting Out Hearts” on p.110 Table eight: “Our Lady of the Waiting Room” on p.111 through “Clash of the Titans” on p. 116

16 For tonight: Read pages 117 to 137 Answer questions 8-10

17 Wednesday, September 10

18 Grammar Review

19 Wednesday’s Homework Picasso Describe her current and past art projects with the tree. How have they evolved? Hall of Mirrors What does Melinda see when she looks into the mirror? A Night to Remember What really happened to Melinda? Were you right in your prediction?

20 Analysis of our Literary Devices Each person at your table has a different copy of a section of reading in The Third Marking Period You will underline and explain on the back of your paper all of the literary devices you find. You will use a different colored crayon for each device (This is a classwork grade.) Metaphor: Red Simile: Blue Imagery: Green Personification: Yellow Symbol: Orange Hyperbole: Brown

21 For tonight: Review your Vocabulary Read pages 138 to 158 Answer questions 1 and 2

22 Thursday, September 11, 2014

23 Study for your Vocabulary Quiz You have until 5 minutes after the bell rings to study. You entire desk must be cleared at that time.

24 Thursday’s Homework My Life as a Spy Why is Melinda spying on Rachel? Thin Atmosphere Is Melinda successful in warning Rachel about Andy? How so?

25 Let’s read “Elephant in the Room” Who is the speaker in this poem? What is the “elephant”? What does the elephant represent? What will be accomplished if they talk about the elephant? What are your thoughts about the mood of the poem? What elements of dialog are used in the poem? Why are the effective? How does this relate to Melinda? Talk in your groups about specific lines in the text that remind you of Melinda.

26 There's an elephant in the room. It is large and squatting, so it is hard to get around it. Yet we squeeze by with, "How are you?" and "I'm fine," and a thousand other forms of trivial chatter. We talk about the weather. We talk about work. We talk about everything else, except the elephant in the room. There's an elephant in the room. We all know it's there. We are thinking about the elephant as we talk together. It is constantly on our minds. For, you see, it is a very large elephant. It has hurt us all. But we don't talk about the elephant. Oh, please, let's talk about the elephant in the room. For if I cannot, then you are leaving me.... alone.... in a room.... with an elephant.

27 For tonight: Read pages 160-180 Answer questions 3-5

28 Friday, September 12, 2014

29 Grammar Quiz You have until 5 minutes after the bell rings to study for your grammar quiz. All items must be put away and off your desk by that time.

30 Friday’s Homework Advice From A Smart Mouth What does David Petrakis say to Melinda? Why is this important? Real Spring Describe the relationship between yard work, art work, and Melinda’s emotions. Little Writing on the Wall What is on the bathroom stall? Why is it there?

31 CASE STUDY Let’s pretend Speak is set in Raleigh. Using your laptops, research available resources in the Raleigh area to give to your assigned character. Write a three paragraph letter to your character detailing your awareness of their problem and reaching out to them, detailing the resources in the Raleigh area, and why they should take advantage of the resources. Possibilities: Melinda Sordino and Rape Victims resources Melinda Sordino and Suicide Prevention Andy Evans and Sexual Offender Prevention Strategies/Resource Groups Heather and Eating Disorder resources

32 Monday, September 15, 2014

33 Monday’s Homework Communication 101 Describe what happens between Rachel and Melinda. Chat Room Describe what happened between Melinda and Ivy. Pruning / Prowling What changes are taking place in Melinda? Postprom What significant event happened at prom? Prey Do you believe Melinda needs a secret closet? Why/Why not? What happens between Melinda and Andy? Final Cut How does her final tree reflect her inner change?

34 Speak test!

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