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NEXT 15 20 25 510 Water Hydro- sphere Water- sheds Water Health Human Effects 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four.

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9 15 20 25 510 Water Hydro- sphere Water- sheds Water Health Human Effects 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six

10 Water Question for 5 Points Which form of water has the highest density? Ice, Warm, Cold water Show Answer

11 Water Answer for 5 Points Cold Water (ice expands – is less dense) Back to Board

12 Water Question for 10 Points What term describes the tendency of a water molecule to stick to other water molecules? Show Answer

13 Water Answer for 10 Points Cohesion Back to Board

14 Water Question for 15 Points What do the charges on either end of the water molecule indicate about the molecule? Show Answer

15 Water Answer for 15 Points Polar Molecule Back to Board

16 Water Question for 20 Points What percentage of the Earth’s water is contained in oceans? Show Answer

17 Water Answer for 20 Points About 97% Back to Board

18 Water Question for 25 Points Which property of water helps to produce cool ocean breezes near a shoreline on a hot day? Show Answer

19 Water Answer for 25 Points Specific Heat Back to Board

20 Hydrosphere Question for 5 Points Where is most of the fresh water on Earth located? Show Answer

21 Hydrosphere Answer for 5 Points Polar Ice Caps and glaciers Back to Board

22 Hydrosphere Question for 10 Points What is the lake that stores water for human use called? Show Answer

23 Hydrosphere Answer for 10 Points Reservoir Back to Board

24 Hydrosphere Question for 15 Points What are two sources of fresh water used by cities for drinking water? Glaciers, ocean water, aquifers, rivers Show Answer

25 Hydrosphere Answer for 15 Points Aquifers and rivers Back to Board

26 Hydrosphere Question for 20 Points The ice sheet that covers Antarctica is a form of what? Show Answer

27 Hydrosphere Answer for 20 Points Glacier Back to Board

28 Hydrosphere Question for 25 Points What causes salinity rates to be higher in some seas or oceans? Show Answer

29 Hydrosphere Answer for 25 Points High evaporation rates and limited circulation Back to Board

30 Watersheds Question for 5 Points What is the main function of a watershed? Show Answer

31 Watersheds Answer for 5 Points To move water from higher to lower elevations Back to Board

32 Watersheds Question for 10 Points Onslow County is located in what major river basin? (Think river in Wilmington) Show Answer

33 Watersheds Answer for 10 Points White Oak River Basin Back to Board

34 Watersheds Question for 15 Points What forms the boundaries of a watershed? Show Answer

35 Watersheds Answer for 15 Points Hills or Mountains/Higher levels of elevation Back to Board

36 Watersheds Question for 20 Points What are the parts of a watershed? Show Answer

37 Watersheds Answer for 20 Points Rivers, headwaters/source, tributaries, mouth Back to Board

38 Watersheds Question for 25 Points What is brackish water and where would you find it? Show Answer

39 Watersheds Answer for 25 Points Salt water and fresh water mixed – along the mouths of rivers and in estuaries Back to Board

40 Water Health Question for 5 Points Which of the following are indicators of a healthy water system? High nitrates, High dissolved oxygen, Neutral pH, Low temperatures, High turbidity, Low pH Show Answer

41 Water Health Answer for 5 points High dissolved oxygen, Low temperatures, Neutral pH Back to Board

42 Water Health Question for 10 Points What is the most likely cause of low dissolved oxygen concentrations seen in July? High nitrates, low turbidity, high temperatures, algal bloom Show Answer

43 Water Health Answer for 10 Points High Temperatures Back to Board

44 Water Health Question for 15 Points What does it mean when a scientist says a lake has a high turbidity? Show Answer

45 Water Health Answer for 15 Points The water has a lot of particles in it Back to Board

46 Water Health Question for 20 Points Which of the following can cause high turbidity in a water system? High nitrates; low temps; high DO levels; low pH Show Answer

47 Water Health Answer for 20 Points High Nitrate levels Back to Board

48 Water Health Question for 25 Points Why can high water temperatures reduce water quality for fish and other organisms? Show Answer

49 Water Health Answer for 25 Points High temperatures can lower dissolved oxygen levels. Back to Board

50 Human Effects Question for 5 Points Which of the following is a possible effect of high nutrient levels in water systems? Healthier fish, increased water temperature, fish kills, less algae Show Answer

51 Human Effects Answer for 5 Points Fish Kills Back to Board

52 Human Effects Question for 10 Points Which of the pollutants below is an example of non-point source pollution? Wastewater from a leaking pipe, chemical run-off from lawns, oil from a leaking underground tank, chemicals released from a paper mill Show Answer

53 Human Effects Answer for 10 Points Chemical run-off from lawns Back to Board

54 Human Effects Question for 15 Points What is the difference between point-source and non-point-source pollution? Show Answer

55 Human Effects Answer for 15 Points Point-source pollution comes from one site; non-point-source pollution comes from many sites. Back to Board

56 Human Effects Question for 20 Points Which of the following is a clear example of point-source pollution? Trash floating in ocean water; feedlot wastes in a river; oil spill from a supertanker; salts from irrigation Show Answer

57 Human Effects Answer for 20 Points Oil spill from a supertanker Back to Board

58 Human Effects Question for 25 Points Water passes through a screen or filter that separates out large solid material is the first step to what process? Show Answer

59 Human Effects Answer for 25 Points Wastewater treatment process Back to Board

60 Show Question

61 “Big Points” Question What is the difference between adhesion and cohesion? Show Answer 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321

62 Big Points Answer for Big Points Adhesion is the force that pulls water molecules to other molecules Cohesion is the force that attracts water molecules to other water molecules To End

63 End It Authored by Jeff Ertzberger - 2004 University of North Carolina at Wilmington All rights reserved. All Clipart and Sounds Copyright Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Office Gallery Online – All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original version. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed without written permission, and may only be used for non-profit educational use. Using and Distributing this Template You are free to use this template in non-profit educational settings. If you improve it, I ask that you send it back to me with your improvements so that I can share it with others. You will be given credit for your improvements. If your improvements include media such as: clip art, pictures, sounds, etc be sure that you obtain permission to use and distribute those before sending it to me. Send improvements to:

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