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Do Now 9/29/14 Open to Table of Contents and make sure you have binder p. 16 = Binder Check 1 Add binder p. 17 = M1U1L12 Word Choice, Tone and Meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 9/29/14 Open to Table of Contents and make sure you have binder p. 16 = Binder Check 1 Add binder p. 17 = M1U1L12 Word Choice, Tone and Meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 9/29/14 Open to Table of Contents and make sure you have binder p. 16 = Binder Check 1 Add binder p. 17 = M1U1L12 Word Choice, Tone and Meaning “Wet and Crying”

2 Agenda 9/29/14 1.Do Now & Agenda 2.Learning Targets 3.Tone and Words Choice analysis = “Wet and Crying” p. 60 – Whole group, partner, individual – How does tone contribute to meaning? – Model Answer review 4.The papaya experience! 5.Formative assessment – classwork grade (20 min) 6.HW – read pp. 61-69, study for quiz Wednesday – all vocab terms and how tone affects meaning

3 Learning Targets 1.I can participate in discussions with a small group, partner, and the whole class. 2.I can identify how tone and meaning affects the author’s meaning of a passage.

4 Binder p. 17 Word Choice/ Text Details “Evidence” Labeling the FeelingTone “Brother Vu chops, the head falls; a silver blade slices” sadness, fearBitter, harsh, horrific “Seeds spill” “clusters of eyes” Creepy, sad, uncomfortableDepressed, hopeless, foreboding (something bad is going to happen) “Wet and Crying”Sadness, regretSorrow “My biggest papaya is light yellow, still flecked with green.” Pride, excitement, happyAnticipation, hope, joyful

5 Binder p. 17 How does tone affect meaning? – The tones of this poem show how the meaning of the poem changes. We go from hopeful, to nervousness, to horror, and finally sadness. How does the author’s specific word choice help us understand the main message of the poem? – In the first stanza we see a little bit of hope in the “papaya still flecked with green.” Then we see an attempt at trying to keep and nurture that hope with it tasking “lovely dipped in chili salt.” Finally, we see the loss of hope as the “head falls,” and we are sad as we are “wet and crying.”

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