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But we’ve got a common one. English does attract us

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Presentation on theme: "But we’ve got a common one. English does attract us"— Presentation transcript:


2 But we’ve got a common one. English does attract us
Everybody has a hobby, But we’ve got a common one. English does attract us More than stamps and actors And its a great fun !

3 Results 7- 9 = you are very active ! 4-6 = you like doing things !
Under 4 = you love relaxing !

4 Tastes differ

5 Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.

6 What is hobby? Some people are fond of animals, others are interested in art. But the most popular hobbies are sport, watching TV, playing musical instruments and computer games.

7 Different people have different hobbies
Playing sports Keeping pets Fishing Dancing Travelling Collecting Watching TV Reading books Listening to music Photographing

8 What hobbies do you know?


10 Fill in the blanks: G.rdening, d.ncing, sp..t, r.ading, th.atre, tr.velling, co.lecting, c.nema, d.ving , ph.tographing .

11 Let ‘s imagine that you have a lot of free time now
Let ‘s imagine that you have a lot of free time now. What would you like to do? I would like to……

12 What are you fond of? I am interested in …

13 Something we can collect
Divide the words into categories Something we can collect Something we can watch Something we can read ( Television, poems, pictures, badges, stamps, magazines, plays, newspapers, cartoons, coins, films, dolls, soap operas, toys, stories, comics )

14 Friday , the twenty-ninth of November
Class work

15 Circle the correct variant
Task Circle the correct variant

16 Speaking station «My Favourite Hobby»

17 My favourite hobby!







24 Song “Lots of things I do “

25 Write a composition «My favourite hobby»
We have done a lot of work today Homework: Write a composition «My favourite hobby» Good luck!!!

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