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Children and Family Services School readiness Sue Wilson & Nikki Walters Service Managers Early Learning and Childcare Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Children and Family Services School readiness Sue Wilson & Nikki Walters Service Managers Early Learning and Childcare Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children and Family Services School readiness Sue Wilson & Nikki Walters Service Managers Early Learning and Childcare Service

2 Children and Family Services Aims of the project To support the Early Learning and Childcare Service priority and cross county initiative around school readiness To improve outcomes for children.

3 Children and Family Services Vision To have an agreed cross county definition of school readiness To improve outcomes for all children, but particularly the most vulnerable, and close the disadvantaged attainment gap To improve the quality of provision across the EYFS sector to ensure it meets the needs of young children.

4 Children and Family Services Golden threads Capture the child’s voice Develop parent partnerships Ensure the home learning environment promotes the best learning opportunities Strengthen transition arrangements

5 Children and Family Services What does school readiness mean to you? Task What are the 5 key elements of school readiness? Work on your own Write each idea on a separate post-it.

6 Children and Family Services Now join up in a pair, share your 5 post its and together prioritise which 5 you would like to keep ( discard 5) In pairs join up with another pair and repeat

7 Children and Family Services Continuum of learning When children begin pre-school at 2 or 3 describe a typical child’s language /PSED / physical skills ? When children leave pre school describe what a typical child has learnt in terms of their language /PSED / physical skills? When children have settled into school describe a typical 4 year old child’s language /PSED / physical skills? When a child leaves reception describe what a typical child has learnt in terms of their language /PSED / physical skills?

8 Children and Family Services Supporting parents and carers I can listen and follow instructions I can listen to a story I can join in with a song I can tell you what I like to do I can look after my belongings I can share, take turns and play a simple game I can dress and undress myself I can make marks and patterns I can move around in different ways

9 Children and Family Services Child’s voice We need your support to capture the child’s voice around school readiness In groups design a short exit interview that EYFS teachers could carry out with their current cohort Or In groups design a short exit interview that PVI could carry out with their current cohort about what children expect they need to do to be ready for school

10 Children and Family Services What skills do we want children to have in order to be ready to learn? At what age should they be secure in these skills? How can pre-schools/ schools support parents in the continuum of learning and expectation? What does the environment need to look like? What experiences need to be on offer? What are the key messages to share with senior managers?

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