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Marine ERA-Nets. Overarching Marine ERA-Net SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA “Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes”

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1 Marine ERA-Nets

2 Overarching Marine ERA-Net SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA “Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes”


4 Call targeted objectives Fostering cooperation/integration between marine research funding agencies, thereby developing a stable European overarching operational structure for marine research. Developing and implementing common research strategies and programmes related to the European sea basins and common strategies and programmes for European coherence in developing and implementing globally important marine research. Building up a coherent vision of the planning and use of research infrastructures, in line with the actions undertaken within the Capacity Programme (ESFRI opportunity list).

5 Guidingideas Guiding ideas “A European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research” The EU future maritime policy is designed to achieve the full economic potential of oceans and seas in harmony with the marine environment. The EC claims for a new approach in terms of joint marine and maritime research efforts pursuing “excellence in research” as the basis to support a thriving and growing economy. There is a need for a concerted definition of R&D needs and priorities, to maximize the economic and environmental outputs. Research, at the end, should provide sound knowledge to support policy decisions.

6 EU R&D weaknesses EU R&D weaknesses Limited collaboration between national programmes Fragmentation and duplication of research efforts Deficient interdisciplinary approaches/joint approach marine-maritime Imbalances in research and technological capacities among regions Need for a joint and efficient policy on infrastructures

7  Improve co-operation and co-ordination and promote harmonisation of national/regional research programmes to strengthen them, bridging possible gaps and avoiding duplications; this will significantly contribute to the setting up of a European Marine and Maritime Research Agenda. Mainobjectives Main objectives SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA

8  Foster synergies at national and regional level, mobilising competitive and non-competitive funds for research in a more coordinated way, through joint calls and common programs, so as to reach a critical mass to address major cross-thematic marine and maritime research challenges. Research funding organizations (RFOs) and research performing organizations (RPOs) have to be involved in this mission. Mainobjectives Main objectives SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA

9  Propose a plan for a better and sustainable use of the existing Marine Research Infrastructures, developing a common vision, e.g. a strategy for marine infrastructure research among the Member States and other countries, fostering technological development to improve MRIs quality and service, developing a cooperation framework, and developing a methodology for the use of industry infrastructures by public research. Mainobjectives Main objectives SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA

10  Reduce imbalances among regions through human capacity building. To this end, the project will devote special attention to set-up a pan-European training and mobility strategy for human resources for the development of ocean- related activities. Mainobjectives Main objectives SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA

11  Enhance public awareness towards marine and maritime scientific and policy issues in Europe. SEAS-ERA will have a strong commitment to translate the RTD activities into social, economic and cultural benefits. SEAS-ERA will emphasise the role of science in marine and maritime policy. Overall, this will form a core element of the dissemination strategy. Mainobjectives Main objectives SEAS-ERASEAS-ERA

12 Project structure

13 WORK PACKAGES LEADER WP1Strategic Analysis MB-ESF WP2Common Programs ANR WP3Joint Calls DNSRC WP4Infrastructures ANR WP5Capacity Building MIUR WP6Atlantic RCN WP7Mediterranean GSRT WP8Black Sea TÜBITAK WP9Information & Dissemination FCT WP10Coordination & Management MICINN Project structure

14 WP/TaskTitleLeader WP1Strategic AnalysisMB-ESF Task 1.1 Inventory and analysis of existing national and regional science and technology plans and strategic priorities MB-ESF Task 1.2 Support to the organisation of Regional Strategic Analysis Workshops MI, GSRT, TUBITAK Task 1.3Establishment of a Pan-European Strategic ForumMB-ESF WP2Common ProgrammesANR Task 2.1 Inventory of Research, Monitoring and Technological programmes and identification of the commonalities and gaps ANR Task 2.2 General guidelines and procedure: Delivering an implementation process DEFRA Task 2.3 Implementing common programme at pan- European level ANR

15 WP/TaskTitleLeader WP3Joint CallsDFIA Task 3.1General guidelines and proceduresBELSPO Task 3.2Pan-European Joint CallsDFIA Task 3.3Follow-up and assessment of outcomesMICINN WP4InfrastructuresANR Task 4.1Identification of research infrastructures prioritiesMEYS Task 4.2 Rationales and guidelines for a better infrastructure planning and use for the joint activities ANR Task 4.3 Developing a methodology for the use of industrial infrastructures by public research MIUR WP5Capacity BuildingMIUR Task 5.1 Review of existing human capacity building schemes RANNIS Task 5.2 Addressing common needs, specificities and imbalances MIUR Task 5.3Implementing Human Capacity BuildingTUBITAK

16 WP/TaskTitle WP6 – WP8Atlantic/ Mediterranean/ Black Sea Regions Task 1Strategic Analysis in the Region Task 2Common Programmes in the Region Task 3Joint Calls in the Region Task 4Infrastructures in the Region Task 5Capacity building in the Region Task 6Coordination of the Regional Network

17 WP/TaskTitleLeader WP9Information & disseminationFCT Task 9.1 Electronic information structure for marine research funding organizations FCT Task 9.2Dissemination strategy for the ProjectFCT Task 9.3Develop printed dissemination productsFCT Task 9.4 Strategy for the promotion of the uptake of project results FCT WP10Coordination & ManagementMICINN Task 10.1Project coordination and network developmentMICINN Task 10.2 Coordination with other initiatives and stakeholders MB-ESF Task 10.3Project managementMICINN

18 WORK PACKAGE 9 Information & Dissemination Task 1 Electronic information structure for marine research funding organizations Task 2Dissemination strategy for the Project Task 3Develop printed dissemination products Task 4 Strategy for the promotion of the uptake of project results Project structure Communication strategy

19 The SEAS_ERA project envisages two differentiated areas of exchange of information: The exchange of information among partners and related projects and organizations. The public dissemination of information on marine/maritime R&D issues and project results Communication strategy

20 Researchers Decision- makers / administration Industry Citizens NGOs Media To whom R+D Programmes R+D Outputs R+D Actors Technologies and providers What Infrastructures Web based media (website, forums, newsletters, science shops…) Publications (brochures, reports, videos,…) How Conferences/ workshops Where NationalRegional Pan-European Communication strategy

21 Disseminationtypes Dissemination types  Dissemination for awareness (make end-users/audiences to be aware of the work of the project)  Dissemination for understanding (make end-users/audiences to understand the work of the project)  Dissemination for action (make end-users/audiences to adopt actions)

22 Improving the link between R&D and end-users 1 2 Communication/ Exchange between Scientists, End-users, Policy stakeholders 3

23 MEDIA NGOs ADMIN. SCIENT. END-USERS PUBLIC NEEDS External information fluxes


25 ParticipantParticipant organisation nameCountry 1 – Coord.MICINN – Ministry of Science and InnovationES 2BELSPO - Belgian Federal Public Planning Service Science Policy BE 3MON – Ministry of Education and Science BU 4ANR – Agence Nationale de la Recherche FR 5DFIA - Danish Food Industry Agency DK 6FZJ-PTJ Project Management Jülich, Jülich Research Centre GmbH DE 7GSRT - General Secretariat for Research and Technology GR 8RANNIS - The Icelandic Centre for Research IS 9MI - Marine Institute IE 10MIUR - Ministry of Education, University and Research IT 11RCN – Research Council of Norway NO 12MCST - Malta Council for Science and Technology MT 13FCT – Fundaçao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia PT 14NWO - Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NL 15TÜBITAK - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TR 16NERC – Natural Environment Research Council UK 17DEFRA – Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs UK 18MB-ESF – Marine Board European Science Foundation FR 19CNMP – National Centre for Programmes Management RO 20KyivCSTEI – Kyiv State Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information UA 21GNSF - Georgia National Science Foundation GE

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