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Bright Futures Begin with Summer Reading. We love Summer Reading! Because we Meet children Help find good books Play games Provide fun programs Give prizes!

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Presentation on theme: "Bright Futures Begin with Summer Reading. We love Summer Reading! Because we Meet children Help find good books Play games Provide fun programs Give prizes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bright Futures Begin with Summer Reading

2 We love Summer Reading! Because we Meet children Help find good books Play games Provide fun programs Give prizes!

3 Kids have fun! But they also Maintain reading skills Do wholesome activities Grow intellectually Have a creative outlet

4 Each year We see an increase in kids who participate in summer reading programs This year We want even more children!

5 Find solutions @ your library! Insert PSA hyperlink here. 1.Go to 2.You will need to create a username and password if you have not already done so. 3.Go to “Programs,” then “Children’s Programs,” then “PSAs.” 4.Save the file to the same folder you have this PowerPoint. 5.Insert the PSA file into your PowerPoint 6.Delete these instructions. Note: PSAs are usually available in late March

6 Promoting to kids Fliers Media announcements Classroom visits

7 Why we need Summer Reading Ending the school year reading below grade level in 2009 18% of kindergarteners 28% of 1 st graders 28% of 2 nd graders 23% of 3 rd graders 36% of Hispanic 3 rd graders

8 Why we need Summer Reading Beginning the school year reading below grade level in 2009 33% of 1 st graders 46% of 2 nd graders 37% of 3 rd graders 52% of Hispanic 3 rd graders 43% of kindergarteners

9 Our Summer Reading Goals Register 10% more children Or (what number) more children

10 Meeting our Goals Visit Classrooms Talk to Educators Talk to Community Partners Register 10% more children

11 Meeting our Goals Helping us provide books Providing small prizes You can help by

12 Meeting our Goals Getting children to programs Volunteering Add a summer reading link to your website You can help by

13 HERE’S HOW KIDS CAN GET SIGNED UP: Add your information or link here.

14 Bright Futures Begin with Summer Reading Your name Your phone number Your web address

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