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P ERSUASIVE WRITING - ADVERTISING Ad targeting and techniques.

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1 P ERSUASIVE WRITING - ADVERTISING Ad targeting and techniques

2 W HAT IS A TARGET AUDIENCE ? Most ads are directed to a target audience —a group of people who advertisers think will buy or use the product. Advertisers create their ads to persuade the target audience to do, buy, or think something. They also put their ads where the target audience is likely to see them.

3 W HICH KINDS OF PRODUCTS MIGHT A PARTICULAR GROUP BE INTERESTED IN ? What kinds of products might be targeted at 12 year olds? What are some other target audiences? What sort of products might be targeted towards your parents? What sort of products might be targeted towards your grandparents?

4 W HAT TECHNIQUES DO ADVERTISERS USE ? Advertisers use specific techniques to reach their target audience. Once consumers understand these techniques and how they’re used, they can decide for themselves what they think about the product.

5 A D TECHNIQUES Task: Read through ‘Ad techniques’ worksheet What are the following techniques examples of (from the worksheet)? a) A movie star talks about his favourite food b) An ad connects lipstick with a beautiful model c) An ad for a fast-food restaurant shows a close- up of a burger d) An ad asks you to go online to learn more e) An ad for an exercise product promises “amazing results” f) An announcer repeats a product slogan

6 A D TECHNIQUES - YOUTUBE McDonalds- slogan A A o Head on - repetition ProActiv - bandwagon o Gillette - testimonial

7 A D TECHNIQUES - YOUTUBE Colgate – expert opinion o World Vision – emotional appeal

8 TASKS Task: Complete Part 2 of the worksheet using newspaper/magazine ads. Task: ‘What is an ad saying?’ worksheet

9 A D - GENDA ACTIVITY Imagine that a new clothing line is about to hit the stores. The company wants to advertise the clothes to kids ages 13-16. The company has created an ad that they think will reach their target audience. Look at the ad on the target audience worksheet. - What techniques are used in the ad? - Why do you think these techniques were chosen for this target audience (kids ages 13-16)? - Do you think the ad is successful? In general, would kids ages 13-16 want to buy this product?

10 A D - GENDA ACTIVITY What do you think about this ad? How might you change the ad to make it more appealing to the target audience? Write your ideas in your writing books and use an A4 page to redesign the ad.

11 A D LITERACY QUIZ Multiple choice quiz on advertising

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