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Generativity in older age: Spanish scales of generativity and its relationship with wellbeing F. Villar, C. Triadó, O. López, M. Celdrán, C. Solé, S. Pinazo,

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Presentation on theme: "Generativity in older age: Spanish scales of generativity and its relationship with wellbeing F. Villar, C. Triadó, O. López, M. Celdrán, C. Solé, S. Pinazo,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Generativity in older age: Spanish scales of generativity and its relationship with wellbeing F. Villar, C. Triadó, O. López, M. Celdrán, C. Solé, S. Pinazo, J. Fabà IFA 11TH GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON AGEING 28 May – 1 June 2012 Prage Picture from

2 Young Intimacy vs. isolation Adulthood Generativity vs. stagnation Ageing Integrity vs. despair Love Care Wisdom Generativity and aging Erik Erikson  Development as a sequence of crisis  Its overcoming leads to new competence

3 Workforce Civic participation Informal caring Volunteering Generative activities Generative concern Personal wellbeing

4 Objetives  Adapt McAdams’s generative concern and generative behavior scales into Spanish  Study generativity in older age and its relationship with their well-being

5 Method  165 participants (M= 73.55; SD = 7.07)  Instruments  Sociodemographic data  Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS) and Generative Behaviors Checklist (GBC) (McAdams & St Aubin 1992)  Satisfaction with Life Scale (SLS) (Diener, et al 1985)  Future Orientation (FO), from the Shortened Ryff’s Scales (Villar, et al 2010)

6 Results Objective 1  High internal consistence of the two Generativity scales (0.89:LGS; 0.81:GBC)  High correlation between generative concern and activities (r = 0.49; p<0.0001)

7 Objetive 2: Generative during Aging  More generative concern than activities (t(158) = 10.54; p <.001)  As they age, generative activities tended to shorten (r = -.21; p <.01)  Life satisfaction is only related to generative concern (r =.38; p<0.01)  Future orientation is related with both generative scales: concern (r =.27; p<0.01) and activities (r =.32; p<0.01)

8 Conclussions  Generativity could be a good concept related to aging that broad other positive concept of aging as productive or active aging  Feeling generative concern does not always lead to generative acts: Could have an negative impact in the long run?

9 Thank you! Montse Celdrán

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