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List 5 characteristics for identifying if something is a mineral:

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Presentation on theme: "List 5 characteristics for identifying if something is a mineral:"— Presentation transcript:

1 List 5 characteristics for identifying if something is a mineral:

2 Quiz #4 – Tues Review sheet on blog & emailed Hypothesis Forms due Weds Late Science Fair Journal checks – not during class (success, before or after…) Final Project Approval – FRI 9/3 & 9/4 Mandatory Meeting for IRB

3 S olid Cannot be a liquid or a gas N aturally Occurring Found in nature, not man-made I norganic Is not alive and never was, non-living F ixed composition (chemical formula) Has a chemical formula, most are formed from compounds of two or more elements, some minerals consist of one element ex. Au C rystal Form A definite structure in which atoms are arranged

4 A mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a definite crystalline structure. *Rock – a mixture of 1 or more minerals and other materials

5 Is it non-living material? Is it a solid? Is it formed in nature? Does it have a crystalline structure?

6 Wood

7 Gold

8 Fossil

9 Topaz

10 Bones

11 Granite

12 Quartz

13 Pearls

14 Talc

15 Diamond

16 Coal

17 Rock Salt

18 Minerals a) Gold b) Topaz c) Quartz d) Talc e) Diamonds Non-Minerals a) Wood - once living b) Fossils – once living c) Bone - living material d) Granite - intrusive igneous rock e) Pearls – made by oysters f) Coal - Sedimentary rock g) Rock Salt – Sedimentary rock

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