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NATIVE AMERICANS.  Using your Native Americans Cultures notes from yesterday, make as many observations you can about Native Americans in general. 

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2  Using your Native Americans Cultures notes from yesterday, make as many observations you can about Native Americans in general.  Start your sentence(s) like this:  Most Native Americans… WARM-UP (IN PAGE 38 TOP)

3  Title: Early Native Americans in Utah  Essential Question: What was life like for Utah’s earliest inhabitants? SET-UP CORNELL NOTES (IN PAGE 39)

4  The story of Utah’s Native Cultures is one of adaptation & migration  Adaptation: changing the way we do things in order to survive to a changing environment  Migration: moving from one place to another to survive ADAPTATION & MIGRATION

5  Prehistoric Native Americans are those that lived before European explorers & missionaries were around to write about them  Most of what we know about these Prehistoric Natives was found near Wendover in Danger Cave & Hogup Cave PREHISTORIC NATIVE AMERICANS

6  Paleo-Indians are the earliest people of North America  Paleo means very ancient  These early Native Americans were hunter-gatherers  They made spears and hunted large mammals  They gathered seeds, roots, nuts & plants PALEO-INDIANS

7  After the Paleo-Indians came the Archaic (ancient) Indians  Often called “Desert Gatherers”  Lived here for 6,000 years THE ARCHAIC INDIANS

8  Timed their moves with seasons so they could find food and survive all year long  Their shelters were called wiki-ups, which were made of tree branches & limbs (covered with Earth)  Various baskets were made for different purposes (drying food, gathering & carrying things & even storing water)  Main weapon: atlatl (spear thrower) THE ARCHAIC INDIANS





13  After the Fremont & Anasazi cultures (AKA Ancient Puebloans) disappeared, “historic” natives moved into the region  Historic Natives: those that were around when European explorers, trappers & missionaries came to the region  These Europeans would record information about the Natives in their diaries, journals & letters HISTORIC NATIVE AMERICANS

14  Utah’s historic natives belonged to bands (or “clans” to the Navajo)  The bands were part of larger groups called tribes  During the time of the explorers, the Utes were the largest tribe  All 5 of Utah’s historic native tribes spoke different languages & had different cultures & rituals BANDS  TRIBES

15  Tribal lands were very important and were often protected from outsiders  The land was used by everyone in the tribe  Land provided food, building materials, clothing & art materials for all native peoples THE LAND

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