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Persuasive Techniques. Bandwagon Persuades people to do something by letting them know others are doing it Gives impression that you will be left out.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Techniques. Bandwagon Persuades people to do something by letting them know others are doing it Gives impression that you will be left out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Techniques

2 Bandwagon Persuades people to do something by letting them know others are doing it Gives impression that you will be left out if you don’t do what you are being persuaded to do Example: “See why so many women have switched to Suave?”

3 Testimonial Using the words of a famous person (a quotation) to persuade you Ex: Tiger Woods promoting Nike athletic gear Could also be a quotation from someone telling their story Ex: “I lost 20 pounds on Jenny Craig, and you can too!”

4 Transfer Using the names or pictures of famous people, but not direct quotations They want you to think that using the product will make you look or feel like the people in the ad Also uses symbols of things we respect, like a flag or cross

5 Repetition The product name is repeated at least three times Ex: Friskies or Hefty Advertisements “Hefty Hefty Hefty!” Ex: “Head-on, applied directly to the forehead!”

6 Emotional Appeal (Loaded Words) Words that will make you feel strongly about someone or something (fear, desire for success, excitement, happiness, love) May paint a picture in your head Ex:“Unless you want to die, wear this jacket!”

7 Expert Opinion/Logical Appeal Ads using scientific sounding language to make a product seem more effective. Appeals to the audience’s brain Ex:“Four out of five dentists recommend this toothpaste….” Ex:“Studies show that….”

8 Ethical Appeal/Plain Folks Persuades by gaining the trust of the audience The ad will make themselves seem “just like you” Example: “You are in good hands with All- state.”

9 Sexual Appeal Other people will think you are more attractive or desirable because you use that product. An attractive model showing lots of skin may be used to gain your attention. Ex: Hooter’s

10 Snob Appeal You will be rich or famous if you use this product Makes their product seem better than all the rest Common in luxury cars, fine hotels, jewelry, and electronics ads Ex: “We’re the best on the road” car ad

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