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How should Children’s Services be organised locally? The potential of Children’s Trusts Presentation to IPPR Conference 16 September 2003 Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "How should Children’s Services be organised locally? The potential of Children’s Trusts Presentation to IPPR Conference 16 September 2003 Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 How should Children’s Services be organised locally? The potential of Children’s Trusts Presentation to IPPR Conference 16 September 2003 Presentation by David Behan Director of Social Services and President of ADSS

2 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. THE PROBLEM COHERENCE CO-ORDINATION

3 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. THE SOLUTION ACCOUNTABILITY INTEGRATION

4 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. THE PROPOSALS  Director of Children’s Services  Lead Council Member  Long term, integrate key services....... under Director of Children’s Services as part of Children’s Trusts  Education, Social Services, Children’s Health, Connexions, YOT

5 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. ...part of Local Authority... report to Elected Members  Safeguarding Children’s Boards  Minister for Children, Young People and Families  Inspection Framework  Improvement and Intervention Function  Children’s Commissioners

6 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. WHAT DO WE THINK?  Welcome  Opportunity to discuss the Future of Children’s Services

7 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. WHAT WE LIKE Role of Local Government Clear Statement of Role of Children’s Trusts Broader Vision Safeguarding Children’s Boards Minister for Children, Young People and Families Inspection Framework Children’s Commissioner

8 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. WHAT WE WANT TO DISCUSS  Director of Children’s Services Clarity re. accountability XOne size fits all ?Focus on structures rather than outcomes for children ?Incentives for all children’s organisations to contribute ?Interface with ‘adult’ organisations e.g. Mental Health

9 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo.  ? Resources  X Youth Justice – underlying philosophy  Workforce

10 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo.  Evidence from Pathfinders  Will professions accept the vision?  What is the model of change management?  How is the culture of organisations and professionals changed?  How do we keep the focus on children?  Pace of Change  Role of Local and National Politicians CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE

11 To change the template look, you must move the green boxed lines to a new position. 1.View 2.Slide Master 3.Make the changes 4.View 5.Normal Do not move the Text Placements, if you do, CTRL Z to undo. WHAT IS REQUIRED?  Strong Facilitative Leadership  Tight Co-ordination  Capacity to Manage the Change  Realistic Timescales  Focus on Improving Outcomes for Children

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