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The FSCPE is Traveling in Uncharted Territory FSCPE Charter Presentation by John Holmes II.

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Presentation on theme: "The FSCPE is Traveling in Uncharted Territory FSCPE Charter Presentation by John Holmes II."— Presentation transcript:

1 The FSCPE is Traveling in Uncharted Territory FSCPE Charter Presentation by John Holmes II

2 unknown borders

3 potentially off course

4 Develop a charter for the program.

5 A charter will provide the program with direction and focus.

6 Circulating the charter throughout the program participants/members will make them aware of the overarching vision of the program. The charter will be reviewed and revised periodically to correspond with the dynamic objectives of the program. Clearly defining the goals will promote partnership and trust among the program’s participants/members. Define the direction and focus.

7 A charter will document commitments to internal and external stakeholders.

8 The charter will identify who is impacted by the decisions of the program. The charter will detail how the program shall monitor and control the involvement of stakeholders. The charter will outline the scope of the program. Determine stakeholder commitments.

9 A charter will define the framework for future program growth.

10 Identify the framework for future expansion. The program’s participants/members and their high-level roles and responsibilities will be documented in the charter. The sponsor of the program will be clearly identified in the charter. The charter will describe the varying levels of authority granted to the program’s participants/members.

11 Utilizing resources effectively to navigate. Approved Budget Intercensal Estimates Proper Resource Allocation

12 Memorandum of Agreement Annual Work Plan By-laws Operational Guidelines Access to Embargo Data and Secure Server Agreement It is difficult to stay on course using “only” the current documentation.

13 Develop a charter for the program.

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