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ICT Solutions for Knowledge Management Diego Rumiany United Nations Statistics Division.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Solutions for Knowledge Management Diego Rumiany United Nations Statistics Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Solutions for Knowledge Management Diego Rumiany United Nations Statistics Division

2 Outline KM Initiative objectivesKM Initiative objectives ICT & KMICT & KM ICT Applications featuresICT Applications features Content Management Applications (OCHA’s ReliefWeb)Content Management Applications (OCHA’s ReliefWeb) Document Management Applications (The Development Gateway)Document Management Applications (The Development Gateway) Collaboration Management Applications (INSTRAW’s Gender Training Wiki)Collaboration Management Applications (INSTRAW’s Gender Training Wiki)

3 KM Initiatives objectives Transfer Tacit Knowledge into Explicit KnowledgeTransfer Tacit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge Create collaborative environments to enhance knowledge capture and sharingCreate collaborative environments to enhance knowledge capture and sharing Standardize the way knowledge is stored and distributedStandardize the way knowledge is stored and distributed

4 Why ICT? ICT may provide a standard protocol for how knowledge is stored and distributedICT may provide a standard protocol for how knowledge is stored and distributed Access to ICT engages participants into knowledge sharingAccess to ICT engages participants into knowledge sharing ICT push organizations to transfer tacit knowledge into explicit knowledgeICT push organizations to transfer tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge

5 ICT Applications Content Management Applications (i.e. Portals)Content Management Applications (i.e. Portals) Collaboration Management ApplicationsCollaboration Management Applications Document Management ApplicationsDocument Management Applications

6 ICT : Content Management Applications Software for organizing and facilitating the creation of contentSoftware for organizing and facilitating the creation of content Often a web application used for creating and maintaining websites and web contentOften a web application used for creating and maintaining websites and web content Content might be news, published documents, training materials, conferences follow-up, events, etc.Content might be news, published documents, training materials, conferences follow-up, events, etc.

7 ICT : Content Management Applications ReliefWeb :

8 ICT : Document Management Applications Used to track and store electronic documents and media.Used to track and store electronic documents and media. Also provides storage, versioning, metadata, security, indexing and retrieval capabilities.Also provides storage, versioning, metadata, security, indexing and retrieval capabilities. It might be a subset of a Content Management ApplicationIt might be a subset of a Content Management Application

9 ICT : Document Management Applications Development Gateway :

10 ICT : Document Management Applications Development Gateway :

11 ICT : Collaboration Management Applications Any application that allows participants to work togetherAny application that allows participants to work together Some elements:Some elements: Jointly usable information databasesJointly usable information databases Joint information processingJoint information processing Collaboration workflowsCollaboration workflows Integration of information from other applicationsIntegration of information from other applications

12 ICT : Collaboration Management Applications INSTRAW’s Gender Training Wiki :

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