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Exploiting Structure in Probability Distributions Irit Gat-Viks Based on presentation and lecture notes of Nir Friedman, Hebrew University.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploiting Structure in Probability Distributions Irit Gat-Viks Based on presentation and lecture notes of Nir Friedman, Hebrew University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploiting Structure in Probability Distributions Irit Gat-Viks Based on presentation and lecture notes of Nir Friedman, Hebrew University

2 General References: u D. Koller and N. Friedman, probabilistic graphical models u Pearl, Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems u Jensen, An Introduction to Bayesian Networks u Heckerman, A tutorial on learning with Bayesian networks

3 Basic Probability Definitions u Product Rule: P(A,B)=P(A | B)*P(B)= P(B | A)*P(A) u Independence between A and B: P(A,B)=P(A)*P(B), or alternatively: P(A|B)=P(A), P(B|A)=P(B). u Total probability theorem:

4 u Bayes Rule: u Chain Rule: Basic Probability Definitions

5 Exploiting Independence Property u G: whether the woman is pregnant u D: whether the doctor’s test is positive The joint distribution representation P(g,d): Factorial representation Using conditional probability: P(g,d)=P(g)*P(d|g). The distribution of P(g), P(d|g): Example: P(g0,d1)=0.06 vs. P(g0)*P(d1|g0)=0.6*0.1=0.06 P(d|g) d0d1 g00.90.1 g10.050.95 GDP(G,D) 000.54 010.06 100.02 110.38 g00.6 g10.4 G D

6 Exploiting Independence Property u H: home test u Independence assumption: Ind(H;D|G) (i.e., given G, H is independent of D). h0h1 g00.90.1 g10.20.8 G D H P(d,h,g)=P(d,h|g)*P(g)=P(d|g)* P(h|g)*P(g) Product rule Ind(H;D|G) g00.6 g10.4 d0d1 g00.90.1 g10.050.95 Factorial representation Joint distribution

7 Exploiting Independence Property h0h1 g00.90.1 g10.20.8 G D H g00.6 g10.4 d0d1 g00.90.1 g10.050.95 representation of P(d,g,h) joint distributionfactored distribution No. of parameters 75 Adding new variable H changing the distribution entirely Modularity: reuse the local probability model. (Only new local probability model for H.) Local probability => Bayesian networks: Exploiting independence properties of the distribution in order to allow a compact and natural representation.

8 Outline u Introduction u Bayesian Networks »Representation & Semantics l Inference in Bayesian networks l Learning Bayesian networks

9 Representing the Uncertainty u A story with five random variables: l Burglary, Earthquake, Alarm, Neighbor Call, Radio Announcement Specify joint distribution with 2 5 =32 parameters maybe… u An expert system for monitoring intensive care patients Specify joint distribution over 37 variables with (at least) 2 37 parameters no way!!! Earthquake Radio Burglary Alarm Call

10 Probabilistic Independence: a Key for Representation and Reasoning u Recall that if X and Y are independent given Z then u In our story…if l burglary and earthquake are independent l alarm sound and radio are independent given earthquake u then instead of 15 parameters we need 8 versus Need a language to represent independence statements

11 Markov Assumption Generalizing: u A child is conditionally independent from its non-descendents, given the value of its parents. Ind(Xi ; NonDescendantXi | PaXi) u It is a natural assumption for many causal processes X Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Descendent Ancestor Parent Non-descendent Descendent

12 Markov Assumption (cont.) u In this example: R is independent of A, B, C, given E A is independent of R, given B and E C is independent of B, E, R, given A u Are other independencies implied by these ones? u A graph-theoretical criteria identifies all such independencies Earthquake Radio Burglary Alarm Call

13 Bayesian Network Semantics u Compact & efficient representation: l nodes have  k parents  O(2 k n) vs. O(2 n ) params l parameters pertain to local interactions Qualitative part conditional independence statements in BN structure + Quantitative part local probability Models ( e.g., multinomial, linear Gaussian ) Unique joint distribution over domain = P(C,A,R,E,B) = P(B)*P(E|B)*P(R|E,B)*P(A|R,B,E)*P(C|A,R,B,E) versus P(C,A,R,E,B) = P(B)*P(E) * P(R|E) * P(A|B,E) * P(C|A)  In general: E R B A C

14 Bayesian networks Qualitative part: statistical independence statements Directed acyclic graph (DAG) u Nodes - random variables of interest (exhaustive and mutually exclusive states) u Edges - direct influence Efficient representation of probability distributions via conditional independence u Quantitative part: Local probability models. Set of conditional probability distributions. 0.90.1 e b e 0.20.8 0.01 0.99 0.90.1 be b b e BE P(A | E,B) Earthquake Radio Burglary Alarm Call

15 Outline u Introduction u Bayesian Networks l Representation & Semantics »Inference in Bayesian networks l Learning Bayesian networks

16 Inference in Bayesian networks u A Bayesian network represents a probability distribution. u Can we answer queries about this distribution? Examples: u P(Y|Z=z) u Most probable estimation u Maximum a posteriori

17 Inference in Bayesian networks u Goal: compute P(E=e,A=a) in the following Bayesian network: u Using definition of probability, we have ABC E D

18  Eliminating d, we get ABC E D X Inference in Bayesian networks

19  Eliminating c, we get ABC E D X X Inference in Bayesian networks

20  Finally, we eliminate b ABC E D X X X Inference in Bayesian networks

21 Variable Elimination Algorithm General idea: u Write query in the form u Iteratively l Move all irrelevant terms outside of innermost sum l Perform innermost sum, getting a new term l Insert the new term into the product u In case of evidence P(x 1 |evidence x j ), use:

22 Complexity of inference Lower bound: General inference in BNs is NP-hard. Upper bound: Naïve exact inference u exponential in the number of variables in the network Variable elimination complexity u exponential in the size of largest factor u polynomial in the number of variables in the network u Variable elimination computation depend on order of elimination (many heuristics, e.g., clique tree algorithm).

23 Outline u Introduction u Bayesian Networks l Representation & Semantics l Inference in Bayesian networks »Learning Bayesian networks u Parameter Learning u Structure Learning

24 Learning u Process l Input: dataset and prior information l Output: Bayesian network Learning Data + Prior information E R B A C

25 The Learning Problem u We will focus on complete data for the rest of the talk l The situation with incomplete data is more involved

26 Outline u Introduction u Bayesian Networks l Representation & Semantics l Inference in Bayesian networks l Learning Bayesian networks »Parameter Learning u Structure Learning

27 Learning Parameters u Key concept: the likelihood function l measures how the probability of the data changes when we change parameters u Estimation: l MLE: choose parameters that maximize likelihood l Bayesian: treat parameters as an unknown quantity, and marginalize over it

28 28 MLE principle for Binomial Data  Data: H, H, T, H, H. Θ is the unknown probability P(H). u Likelihood function: u Estimation task: Given a sequence of samples x[1], x[2]…x[M], we want to estimate the probability P(H)= θ and P(T)=1-θ. u MLE principle: choose parameter that maximize the likelihood function. u Applying the MLE principle we get  MLE for P(X = H ) is 4/5 = 0.8  L(  :D)

29 MLE principle for Multinomial Data u Suppose X can have the values 1,2,…,k. u We want to learn the parameters θ 1,…, θ k. u N 1,…,N k - The number of times each outcome is observed. u Likelihood function: u The MLE is: Probability of k th outcome Count of k th outcome in D

30 MLE principle for Bayesian networks u Training data has the form: u Assume i.i.d. samples E B A C By definition of network

31 u Generalizing for any Bayesian network: The likelihood decomposes according to the network structure. Decomposition  Independent estimation problems (If the parameters for each family are not related) For each value pai of the parent of Xi we get independent multinomial problem. The MLE is MLE principle for Bayesian networks

32 Outline u Introduction u Bayesian Networks l Representation & Semantics l Inference in Bayesian networks l Learning Bayesian networks u Parameter Learning »Structure Learning

33 Learning Structure: Motivation EarthquakeAlarm Set Sound Burglary EarthquakeAlarm Set Sound Burglary Earthquake Alarm Set Sound Burglary Adding an arcMissing an arc

34 Optimization Problem Input: l Training data l Scoring function (including priors) l Set of possible structures Output: l A network (or networks) that maximize the score Key Property: l Decomposability: the score of a network is a sum of terms.

35 Scores When the data is complete, the score is decomposable: For example. The BDE score:

36 Heuristic Search (cont.) u Typical operations: S C E D S C E D S C E D S C E D Add C  D Reverse C  E Remove C  E

37 Heuristic Search u We address the problem by using heuristic search u Traverse the space of possible networks, looking for high-scoring structures u Search techniques: l Greedy hill-climbing l Simulated Annealing l...

38 Outline u Introduction u Bayesian Networks l Representation & Semantics l Inference in Bayesian networks l Learning Bayesian networks l Conclusion u Applications

39 Example I The currently accepted consensus network of human primary CD4‏ T cells, downstream of CD3, CD28, and LFA- 1 activation Causal Protein-Signaling Networks Derived from Multiparameter Single-Cell Data. Karen Sachs, et al. 2005. 10 Perturbations by small molecules 11 Colored nodes: Measured signaling proteins

40 Bayesian network results PKC->PKA was validated experimentally. Akt was not affected by Erk in additional experiments

41 Example II: Bayesian network models for a transcription factor-DNA binding motif with 5 positions PSSM Tree Non-tree Mixture of PSSMs Mixture of trees

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