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RISoft Development Inc. Business Overview October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "RISoft Development Inc. Business Overview October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 RISoft Development Inc. Business Overview October 2015

2 About RISoft Portfolio of patented and patent pending software technologies Development house with licensing model Lead by team of professionals with depth of experience in Software innovation Licensing and Business Development Early stage commercialization

3 The Portfolio The diversified technology and IP portfolio* includes: Encryption technology Artificial intelligence platform Media delivery and protection platform *See portfolio documents for details

4 The Business Model RISoft is a development house pursuing a licensing model parsed by fields-of-use A spin-out model may be opportunistically pursued based on market feedback and speed to market An acquisition of any of the patents, the whole portfolio, or RISoft as an entity is an option the company will consider based on current valuations and market appetite

5 Underlying Magic RI Black Key is the only key management system geared towards the home and middle sized as well as enterprise businesses. Functional Accessible and Affordable translates to marketable. RI Fast Encryption is the only commercial encryption algorithm designed to allow on the fly encryption of media files. Our AI as authentication agent is the only authentication system which learns from other AI systems, accelerating its learning curve beyond conventional AIs. Our media delivery system can deliver high resolution video in a protected traceable fashion without buffering. Watermarking is applied per user as is encryption making locking a single instance of a stream to a single user. Sharing of media is a thing of the past. Our anti-piracy technologies can defeat 100% of live streaming of events, and significantly reduce a copyright infringers ability to record and store events locally. Combined with our media technology we can send piracy back to the seventies.

6 Business Development Monetization of the portfolio is a function of RISoft’s Consistent, reliable, self-explanatory demos Our robust intellectual property portfolio Attendance at relevant conferences, networking events and high profile speaking Agility to apply portfolio to target company needs; field of use strategy

7 Competition There currently no competitors providing key creation and distribution services to small to mid sized businesses. Enterprise solutions are expensive. 100k and up There are no commercial offerings of fast encryption algorithms targeting media Apple and Microsoft now offer pure Bio-Metric authentication systems. There are numerous offerings of pure bio-metric after market apps. At this time there are no commercial or theoretical authentication agents comparable to our product. Microsoft and Apple both have media solutions. Youtube relies on Flash video. None of these products can provide on the fly watermarking and per user encryption. There are no solutions on the horizon which aim to prevent streaming services such as Periscope Please refer to the prospectus for a detailed overview on competitive offerings

8 Current Status Black key -99% Complete. 60 days to market ready. Another 30 days Third party beta testing Fast encryption -100% Complete – 30 days for FIPS compliance testing if implemented as a module as market ready Authorization agent – 75% Complete 120 days to beta status ready to demo. 30 days for beta testing for market ready Media delivery for audio – Proof of concept finished for most major components. 30 days to finalize as completed proof of concept Anti piracy – 0% Complete. 180 days to full demo Please refer to prospectus for related time line and financials and intellectual property details

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