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Classroom Assessment Techniques 1. Definitions Assess gather evidence and document learning (KNOW & SHOW) Evaluate make judgements based on data collected.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Assessment Techniques 1. Definitions Assess gather evidence and document learning (KNOW & SHOW) Evaluate make judgements based on data collected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Assessment Techniques 1

2 Definitions Assess gather evidence and document learning (KNOW & SHOW) Evaluate make judgements based on data collected Test one possible assessment tool Grade one possible evaluation made 2

3 ‘There is no such thing as effective teaching in the absence of learning. Teaching without learning is just talking.’ Angelo & Cross 1993 Rationale

4 PRIOR KNOWLEDGE PROBE/THINK PAIR SHARE WHAT? What techniques do you use to discover if your students are learning what you are teaching? When do you get that information? What do you do with that information? HOW? 5 minutes thinking individually 5 minutes discussing in pairs 5 minutes sharing with group WHY? Rehearsal builds confidence Shared confusion builds confidence More likely to get participation/answers Retention Reinforcement CAT

5 ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY Who? What? To/for whom? When? Where? Why?

6 Example pre & post evaluation log

7 CAT APPLICATION CARD WHAT? What benefits would these activities bring to your classroom? (Evaluate) How might you adapt them? (Create) HOW? Complete the appropriate section of the grid after each activity. Fill in the blanks over coffee breaks! WHY? Have a record for future reference. Develop higher order thinking skills.

8 Who?Teachers Does what?assess To whom?their students’ learning When?regularly during the semester How? using classroom assessment techniques Why?so that they can understand and improve teaching effectiveness and the quality of student learning. CATs

9 Why?




13 What? Listening A systematic approach to formative assessment Simple tools for collecting data on student learning with a view to making it more efficient and effective. Devices that provide a record of student feedback for future reference and learning Procedures designed to get immediate and useful answers to very focused questions Position checks so we stay ‘on course’ A complement to formal evaluation Teaching strategies 13

14 What? Learning formative focussed systematic integrated learner-centred teacher-directed mutually beneficial 14 inclusive anonymous private informal flexible timely context specific MUDDIEST POINT/BUZZ WHAT? Do you understand how these words apply to CATs? HOW? Discuss with a partner then ask for clarification WHY? Checking understanding. Reinforcement. CAT

15 Examples of CATs Prior knowledge probe One sentence summary Buzz The minute paper Muddiest point Misconception check 15 Empty outline Focused listing Directed paraphrasing Diamond nines Electronic vote (Socrative) Flash boards Logs/ journals Two pluses and a wish Applications cards TO KNOW AND SHOW THAT STUDENTS ARE LEARNING

16 References Classroom Assessment Techniques: a handbook for college teachers. Thomas A. Angelo, K. Patricia Cross San Francisco, Jossey-Bass 1993 Assessment in the Learner-centred Classroom Alan Trussell-Cullen Dominie Press, Inc. 1998 16

17 Remember ‘We may compare teaching to selling commodities. No one can sell unless someone buys…[yet] there are teachers who think they have done a good day’s teaching irrespective of what pupils have learned.’ Dewey,1933, p.35 17 DON’T BE ONE OF THEM!

18 CAT MINUTE PAPER WHAT? What have we studied in this session? (describe) What have you learnt? (evaluate) HOW? On an index card/half sheet of paper, write for one minute in answer to the question. Collect in cards. Make adjustments to plans. Close the loop. WHY? Self-assessment (metacognition) Minimal investment Reinforcement & Retention Improved attention next time

19 CAT DIRECTED PARAPHRASE WHAT? What have we studied in this session? (describe) What have you learnt? (evaluate) HOW? On an index card/half sheet of paper, write what you will tell your students/colleagues about CATs. Collect in cards. Make adjustments to plans. Close the loop. WHY? Self-assessment (metacognition) Reading into writing skill development Minimal investment Reinforcement & Retention Improved attention next time

20 Activity TWO PLUSES AND A WISH WHAT? HOW? On an index card/half sheet of paper, two activities you enjoyed and what you wish you could do with them. Collect in cards. Make adjustments to plans. Close the loop. WHY? Self-assessment (metacognition) Minimal investment Reinforcement & Retention Improved attention next time Creative thinking Making connections between prior & new knowledge

21 Thank you for your attention Name Surname position Language Center Masaryk University Komenského nám. 2, 601 77 Brno phone: +420 549 496 447 e-mail: web: DEFINITIONS

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