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 The New England Colonies PLYMOUTH/NEW ENGLAND. New England Colonies, 1650.

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1  The New England Colonies PLYMOUTH/NEW ENGLAND

2 New England Colonies, 1650

3 Reforming England in America  Pilgrims  Separatists who refused to worship in the Church of England  1620—Plymouth founded  Mayflower Compact  Governor William Bradford and Squanto ensured colony survived  1691—absorbed into Massachusetts Bay


5 “The Great Migration”  1630—John Winthrop led Puritan group to Massachusetts with charter giving them power to make decisions without direction from England  Declared they would form a “city upon a hill”

6 “A City upon a Hill”: Settlement  1630-1640—16,000 immigrated  Settlers usually came as family units  Area settled was generally healthy  Puritans’ view of their colony:  Success as part of covenant with God  A “beacon of righteousness” to the world  Church attendance required, but membership not automatic



9 “A City on a Hill”: Politics  Public confession and execution of criminals  Government by elected representatives responsible to God  All adult male church members could vote  Ministers had no formal role and were prohibited from holding office  Town was center of Puritan life


11 Limits of Religious Dissent: Roger Williams  Extreme separatist  Questioned validity of colony’s charter  Advocated toleration of religious beliefs, while Puritans opposed religious dissent  Expelled to Rhode Island, 1636


13 Limits of Religious Dissent: Anne Hutchinson  Claimed direct divine inspiration by the Holy Spirit  Suggested Puritan ministers were no better than those of Church of England  Called established church into question  Banished to Rhode Island in 1637

14 Immigrant Families and New Social Order  Huge population growth caused by high life expectancy  Multigenerational families strengthened social stability  Education valued and provided by the family

15 Social Hierarchy in New England  Absence of a rich elite class necessitated creation of new social order  Much more equal society than Chesapeake  Only moderate disparities of wealth

16 King Philip’s War  1675—Metacomet led alliance against colonists  Colonists struggled to unite, to defeat Indians  Deaths totaled 1000+ Indians and colonists  Plymouth Colony lost 8% of its adult male population  By the end of the war, one-third of New England's approximately 100 towns had been burned and abandoned


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