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1 Low Voltage Power Supplies for ALICE TB 22.09.04 L.Jirden u Target devices (reminder) u Market Survey and Tender u Actions.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Low Voltage Power Supplies for ALICE TB 22.09.04 L.Jirden u Target devices (reminder) u Market Survey and Tender u Actions."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Low Voltage Power Supplies for ALICE TB 22.09.04 L.Jirden u Target devices (reminder) u Market Survey and Tender u Actions

2 2 Target devices u Wiener u Marathon; compact version u Marathon; split version u Caen u SY1527 mainframe with LV modules u Easy system u Sasy system u Arem Pro

3 3 Wiener Marathon UX CR PFC AC/DC Digital control Power modules 230 VAC CANbus Water cooling Compact version: B-tol: 300 gauss Rad tol: test planned DC/DC Analog control Power modules 230 VAC CANbus PFC AC/DC Digital control 380 VDC B-shield Split version: B-tol: 1200 gauss Rad tolerant Targeted by: TPC, TRD, MTK, MTG, etc

4 4 Caen SY1527 system SY1527 main- frame ethernet B-tol: 50 gauss (?) – test required Rad tol: ? – test required LV modules Targeted by: SSDUX

5 5 CR Caen EASY system no cooling 230 VAC CANbus Power supply 48 VDC DC/DC Digital control Digital control Digital control SY1527 main- frame ethernet Branch controller EASY B-tol: 1000 gauss CRATE Rad tol – test planned B-tol: 50 gauss (?) Rad tol: ? Targeted by: T0, V0, etc

6 6 UX Caen SASY system no cooling 230 VAC CANbus Power supply 48 VDC DC/DC Digital control Digital control Digital control SY1527 main- frame ethernet Branch controller SASY B-tol: 5000 gauss CRATE Rad tol: tested ok B-tol: 50 gauss (?) – test! Rad tol: ? – test! Targeted by: TOF on detector

7 7 UX CR Arem Pro PS 230 VACRS232 AC/DC power AC/DC power AC/DC power module control module control crate control ethernet B-tol: ? – test planned Rad tol: tested, result? no cooling Targeted by: SDD

8 8 Market survey & Tender u Market survey u sent July – answer deadline end August u 21 answers u 5 companies qualified u Tender planning u Out by end September 04 u Answers end November 04 u Contract end January 05 u Technical Specification u Draft exist u Environmental considerations; limits to be fixed; u Normal environment u Low-level B-fields only u Radiation effects only u High-level B-field and radiation effects u Modularity: size of modules/channels to be specified u ALICE needs spans from 3.6A (SSD) to 250A (TPC) u Controls requirements to be fixed u Remote control of voltages? u Remote power on/off? u Performance

9 9 Actions u Finalize technical specification & launch tender – feedback from detectors needed u Tests of LVPS u Wiener compact version for low level radiation - ESS u Caen SY1527 for low level radiation and B-field – SSD u Caen Sasy mainframe + 48V PS for low level radiation and B-field - TOF u Caen Easy crate for radiation and B-field - ESS u Arem Pro for radiation and B-field - SDD

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