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Grammar support Session 2 Word classes Connectives Sentences Richard Cole.

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1 Grammar support Session 2 Word classes Connectives Sentences Richard Cole

2 Word classes student intelligent clearly they below the and relax

3 The APOSTROPHE (to indicate possession) With nouns (plural and singular) not ending in s add ’s The Children’s books; the people’s parliament. A mother’s pride With plural nouns ending in s, add only the apostrophe The guards’ duties, the Nuns’ habits, the Joneses’ house

4 The APOSTROPHE (to indicate possession) With singular nouns ending in an s you can add either ’s or an apostrophe alone The witness’s lie or the witness’ lie (be consistent) Exception: ancient or religious names. Jesus’ strength, Achilles’ heel For common possession, only add ’s to the last name. Janet and Jane’s house Where possession is not common, add to each Janet’s and Jane’s homes. Pronouns: with the exception one’s, pronouns (its, his, hers) do not require an apostrophe.

5 The APOSTROPHE (to indicate contractions) Where letters or numbers have been omitted. The class of ’09, the house wasn’t at its best, that isn’t the right way, it’s not bad glishB13.htm glishB13.htm

6 Nouns Proper Common Abstract

7 Adjectives Qualitative Classifying Grading Comparison

8 Verbs Main verbs Transitive Intransitive Linking Auxiliary Irregular

9 Adverbs Adjective phrase Adverb phrase Adjuncts: place - manner

10 Pronouns Personal Possessive Reflexive Demonstrative Indefinite Interrogative Relative

11 Determiner All, both Half, two-thirds Such A, an, the This, that, these, those My, our, your, his, her, its Some, any, no Two, three Third, seventh Other, last, next Many, few, little, much

12 Prepositions Before a noun Before a pronoun Before an adjective(used as a noun) Before a noun phrase Before a clause

13 Conjunctions _________________ it was drizzling outside, Rama took her umbrella, ______________ she hated using one in the crowded streets. The bus was early for once _________________ Rama was just in time to catch it. She cheered up____________she was on the bus ___________ she liked nothing better than a day’s shopping ____________ it was raining. She thought about her birthday money. _______________what she could spend it on. _______________ she had money to spend, she would spend ages thinking about what she could buy. A new pair of trainers would be good _____________ her old pair were looking scruffy ________ her holiday. _______________she had enough money left over, she could buy a new bag _______________ that CD she wanted. She checked her purse again ___ ______________ her money had mysteriously vanished _________________ she last checked it. It was all there.

14 Sentences Compound Complex Simple We’ll work on these next week. Hope you can make it!

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