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Science Week Aim:- For pupils to design, undertake and display a science investigation as independently as possible. To have fun and develop enthusiasm.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Week Aim:- For pupils to design, undertake and display a science investigation as independently as possible. To have fun and develop enthusiasm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Week Aim:- For pupils to design, undertake and display a science investigation as independently as possible. To have fun and develop enthusiasm for science.

2 What the children will make:-

3 Example Presentations

4 Introduce Science Week to your class.
All science experiments start with a question. Ask your children, to start thinking of, and researching into, the question they would like to answer for their home experiment and project. These can be their own ideas or from the internet. Week Beginning 18/10/2016!

5 Some fun science experiment ideas online:
Or just Google ‘Science experiments for kids’ (YouTube also give good demonstrations!!!)

6 Questions Questions… Some investigation ideas…..
Do more mentos create a higher coke explosion? What does mould like to grow on best? Do people prefer salty, sweet or sour foods etc.? Are all solids denser than all liquids? Which kind of food do dogs (or any animal) prefer best? Which paper towel brand is the strongest? What is the best way to keep an ice cube from melting? Which spins longer, raw or boiled eggs? Which shape balloon makes the best balloon rocket? Why? Which type of acid makes a cork pop farthest when mixed with baking soda?

7 Explain how to Display their Experiment
You can take photographs while you are conducting the experiment, and use these in your display if you want!


9 Posters should include at least 6 areas (example below), coming up next …

10 1) Question as a title. This is what you are performing your experiment on. i.e. Does music have an affect on animal behavior? Does the color of food or drinks affect whether or not we like them? Does music have an affect on plant growth? Which kind of food do dogs (or any animal) prefer best? Which paper towel brand is the strongest? What is the best way to keep an ice cube from melting? What level of salt works best to hatch brine shrimp? Can the food we eat affect our heart rate? How effective are child-proof containers and locks.

11 3) Prediction (hypothesis).
2) Materials list. This is what they will use to perform the experiment. 3) Prediction (hypothesis). This is what they think the results of their test will be and why. They will need to do some research on their experiment so they can come up with an idea of what they think might happen and why.

12 4) Method 5) Results 6) Conclusion
A step by step explanation of, how they performed their experiment. 5) Results Show their results, preferably in some kind of graph, table or block/bar chart. 6) Conclusion A short written piece describing what the results show, whether their results agreed with their prediction. If not, why might that have been?

13 7) Optional but nice … Diagrams Photos Decorations
An Abstract (Why did you choose that particular question to study)

14 What YOU can do during Science Week
Feel free to demonstrate or help your child with their experiment and always remember…. Safety first! GOOD LUCK!

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