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Christopher Columbus Awards Quiz Question: In what month is “Columbus Day”?

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Columbus Awards Quiz Question: In what month is “Columbus Day”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Columbus Awards Quiz Question: In what month is “Columbus Day”?

2 Christopher Columbus Awards This is a science fair type of competition that rewards problem solving and creative thinking dealing with a problem in our community. What do we mean by “Community”?

3 Christopher Columbus Awards Brainstorming… –Work in your table groups to do some brainstorming. Come up with a list of 9 issues/problems in our community that needed to be addressed.

4 Brainstorming….. Community Issues –What are some issues in your community which could benefit from a new, creative way of thinking? These could include: environmental issues, health & safety, sports, school, transportation, hobbies, or anything else that could help people if a new approach to a problem were adopted. - No idea is too outrageous to start with!

5 Christopher Columbus Awards 9 Community Issues 3 – School / School District Issues 3- Rochester / Minnesota Issues 3- Personal / Family Issues

6 Rules…Rules…Rules… So…really….what will I have to do for the Christopher Columbus Awards?

7 Direct Off the Contest Website… Team Rules Each team must have three or four student team members and a coach. Team members must be students in good academic and behavioral standing. Team members are limited to participating on one team project per year.

8 What is Required???????? A completed entry consists of 5 parts- 4 written sections and one visual. –The written sections are : 1. The Issue 2. Research 3. Testing 4. Your Solution The visual presentation may be: - A Drawing or Diagram, - Photos, or - A Videotape

9 Step Two…… Talk about a solution –Come up with an innovative solution to your community issues using science and technology. –What is currently being done to solve your problem in your community? –Come up with 3 or 4 solutions that your team could research and experiment with.

10 Steps Three and Four : Research! Research ! Research! –Identify people or groups in your community who who could help you with your project. –Select one solution to research in greater depth. –Find out as much as you can about your proposed solution and what you would have to do to test the effectiveness of your solution.

11 Step Five….. Formulate and Test your Solution –Control your variables (remember science fair?) –Collect data to support or reject your solution –Discuss the results of your tests. –Accept or revise your solution. ***You’re Almost Done***

12 When is it all due? Put together your entry. –The entry deadline is February 6 th, 2012, and we need to mail your entries out AT LEAST 3 days before this deadline. I will have all of the entry materials when you hand in your final drafts. So ….It’s a national competition…what could we win?

13 A Trip to Disneyworld!!!!! This is with 3 of my 8 th graders at the Magic Kingdom

14 Coronado Springs We stayed at one of the Disney resorts while we were in Florida for championship week

15 Coronado Springs

16 Some of the Finalist teams from a few years ago…. The Quiet Alarm The Baby Beeper

17 Some of the Finalist teams from a few years ago…. Stopping Cart Ladder Masters

18 Some of the National Finalists Last year included….. Pendulum Barking System This entry won First place! $5000 saving bonds for each group member

19 Some of the Finalist teams from a few years ago…. The Red Arroyo project Plateau Preservation Project

20 Some of the Finalist teams from a few years ago…. Gone Buggy

21 The Christopher Columbus Grant Winner!!!!! Milfoil Masters This group received $25,000 to develop and put their program in place!!

22 Remember- This can be you next Summer And Finals week is not all work… –We spent a great deal of time doing fun things. Like…….

23 Going behind the scenes at Disney

24 Visiting Kennedy Space Center

25 Free time at the Disney parks!

26 Just Remember….. This is not going to be quick or easy! It requires a great deal of hard work, and commitment to your idea. But if you believe in yourself, your dream may just come true

27 Christopher Columbus Awards Entries Due: Tuesday, February 1 st 2012

28 Back to Step One…… Find a group of 2 or 3 other students to work with 1.Share all the answers from your brainstorming session 2.Decide on 2 community issues that you would want to work on 3.Fill out the “First 5 Questions” worksheet 4.We will all share our community issues during the last 10 minutes of class

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