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Science: What Works… It’s Elementary ! Selena Cochran Tiffney Triplett Erin Bowling Selena Cochran Tiffney Triplett Erin Bowling.

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Presentation on theme: "Science: What Works… It’s Elementary ! Selena Cochran Tiffney Triplett Erin Bowling Selena Cochran Tiffney Triplett Erin Bowling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science: What Works… It’s Elementary ! Selena Cochran Tiffney Triplett Erin Bowling Selena Cochran Tiffney Triplett Erin Bowling

2 It’s Not the ONE Thing…  1. STEM Lab (LEGOS in Education)  2. Probes (Formative Assessments)  3. FAL (Formative Assessment Lessons)  4. Interactive Notebooks  5. Project Based Learning (Science Fair, Energy Fair, Coal Fair)  6. Science Magazines (Science World/Scholastic Magazines)  7. Equipped Science Lab  8. PD Quality Questioning  9. Variety of Assessments (Self-Reflections Using Red-Yellow- Green Light/Interactive Science Notebook/Leadership Data Student Notebooks)  10. Education Galaxy (Science for 4 th and 5 th Grades)

3 A Typical Science Lesson Interactive and FUN…  A Probe Lesson, FAL Lesson, Experiment or Question becomes the “HOOK” to get students exploring, arguing, debating, reasoning, and thinking.  Students use their background knowledge, experiences, and resources to develop understanding of the concepts being taught.  Concepts are then learned through student engagement, hands-on discovery and experiences through a variety of resources provided by the teacher.  Extensive class focus is devoted to argumentation and reaching consensus about ideas, rather than having textbooks and teachers present ideas to students.  The lesson design is delivered “backward” to the “traditional” Science lesson.  The teacher serves as the guide through the learning process. The teacher answers a lot of questions with questions! Teaching students to “think” and “solve” problems.

4 Science Lab Equipped with iMAC Mini Lab  Fully equipped Science Lab  Available for teachers three days a week for scheduling their classes time in the Lab  Materials and Resources housed in the Lab for all to share and use  Curriculum Coaches and 4 th -6 th Grade Science Teachers inventory materials to ensure that perishables are replaced at least once a year  Ten iMACs ava ilable for use in the Science Lab  Document Camera, 40” Monitor, Student Responders available

5 Students Own Their Learning  Leadership (Data) Notebooks  Student Reflections  Writing About Learning Lots and Lots of Writing!  Traffic Light Self-Assessment (Red/Yellow/Green Light)

6 Traditional Lessons Transform Into STEM Lessons  Hot Air Balloon  Bridge Building  Marshmallow Towers  Egg Drop

7 Real Life Learning 

8 Skills Necessary for 21 st Century Learners 

9 Project Based Learning Out Of Class STEM  Science Fair (4-6)  (Experiments/Demonstrations)  Energy Fair (K-6)  Coal Fair (K-6)  4-H Projects  Curriculum Showcase  Soil Conservation  Cub Scout (Box Car Races)

10 Turn STEM into STEAM with Coal Fair Projects

11 And Energy Fair Projects 

12 Preparing for Careers of the Future 

13 Like Aerospace

14 Or Scientist, Engineers, Physicists, Environmentalists… 

15 Writing helps Frame their Learning 

16 Professional Learning  Thinking Through Quality Questioning (Walsh & Sattes )  NGSS Leadership Network  PLCs (District and School-Level)


18 STEM Lab  Use of LEGOs in Education  Weekly Lab Experience for all K-6 Students  Learning is Divided up into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Themes  First Quarter Technology/Second Quarter Engineering, Third Quarter Science, Fourth Quarter Mathematics

19 STEM Activities Collaboration Observation Trial and Error Brainstorming Creativity Communication Problem Solving Measurement Planning Reflection Learning from Others Time Constraints Goal Oriented Competition Help students work on:

20 Hot Air Balloon Activity

21 Lego/Duplo Brick Challenge

22 Legos in First Grade

23 Legos We-Do Kits !

24 Resources, Resources, Resources Education Galaxy (Science 4-5) Science World Magazine (4-6) Scholastic Magazines (K-3) iCURRIO Google LEGOs in Education Textbook (as a resource not a guide) vokieclassroom There’s an Ap for That! Amazingalexnearpod pettson’sinventionshaiku desk plickers

25 STEM Resources Engineering.Com Icurio Try Engineering Teach Engineering Engineering, Go For It

26 Questions/Comments? Selena Cochran-Curriculum Coach/STEM Lab Teacher selena.cochran@johnson.kyschool selena.cochran@johnson.kyschool Tiffney Triplett-Science Teacher Erin Bowling-Primary erin.bowling@johnson.kyschools. us

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