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Chapter 11 Race and Ethnicity.

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1 Chapter 11 Race and Ethnicity

2 Race and Ethnicity Race – socially constructed category comprised of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important Ethnicity – a shared cultural heritage Minority – category of people, distinguished by physical or cultural traits, who are socially disadvantaged

3 Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice – rigid and irrational generalization about an entire category of people 3 levels of prejudice Cognitive level- beliefs and perceptions Emotional level- feelings a group arouses in the individual Action-oriented- predisposition to engage in discriminatory behavior

4 Prejudice and Discrimination
Racism – an ideology, belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another Discrimination – unequal treatment

5 Prejudice and Discrimination
Theories Psychological- P&D are the result of individuals who have authoritarian personalities (fulfills a psychic need) Sociological- people will act in a way to maximize rewards to themselves and minimize costs Enculturation- people are socialized to believe and behave and can be taught to participate or resist

6 Merton’s Chart D No Yes P All Weather Liberal Fair Weather Liberal
Timid Bigot Active Bigot

7 Prejudice and Discrimination
Institutional Prejudice and Discrimination – bias inherent in the operation of society’s institutions Scapegoating – blaming a person or category of people for something that is not their fault

8 Reproduction of Prejudice and Discrimination
Family Education Media Peer Groups

9 Patterns of Interaction
Assimilation – A+B+C = A (everything becomes what already is) Amalgamation – A+B+C = D (melting into something new) Accommodation – A+B+C = A+B+C (maintaining identity while interacting with social parity)

10 Patterns of Interaction
Segregation – physical and social separation of categories of people Genocide – systematic killing of one category of people by another

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